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Transformation of Medical Education in Indonesia

The Development of Medical Lecturer Professionalism for the Transformation of Medical Education in Indonesia

“Medical education is a continuum that begins with undergraduate medical education, professional medical education, specialist medical education, and subspecialist medical education with continuing medical education and continuing professional development,” said Prof. dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D., in her inauguration as a Tenured Professor in the field of Medical Education at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia (FK UI) on Saturday (11/02).

Prof. dr. Ardi Findyartini, Ph.D., who is familiarly known as Prof. Titien, explained that the role of medical education in its complete continuum is not only limited to providing sufficient numbers of doctors, specialists, and subspecialists but also plays a role in the quality of achieving health service competence and adequate scientific development, including the development of medical lecturers. In her inaugural speech entitled “Pengembangan Profesionalisme Staf Pengajar Kedokteran untuk Transformasi Pendidikan Kedokteran di Indonesia” (The Development of Medical Lecturer Professionalism for the Transformation of Medical Education in Indonesia), Prof. Titien said that the role of medical lecturers must always be interpreted as ‘beyond transferring knowledge’. Motivation and development of the professional identity of medical lecturers are very important so that they can always play their role with the best performance according to their individual potential.

The main challenges that are often reported from various learning adaptations are the development of abilities related to human literacy in communication, empathy, readiness for learning arrangements by students, readiness of learning systems, and readiness of lecturers in adapting to learning needs and adjustments to their daily tasks. “Medical education institutions have a big task in scientific development, education and teaching, research and innovation, as well as community service. Medical lecturers are the center of all aspects of this development,” said Prof. Titien.

The strategy implemented by the team of Medical Education Unit of FKUI in collaboration with the e-learning team of FKUI is to immediately identify the needs of lecturers in adapting learning methods in large classes, in groups, and in clinical settings, as well as adapting to online learning platforms and pandemic conditions. The transformation of the development program for lecturers was also carried out by the Department of Medical Education team of FKUI in organizing clinical lecturer training. This considers that clinical lecturers also need specific support in guiding and supervising students in the professional program

At the end of her speech, Prof. Titien hopes that the role of medical lecturers should always be interpreted as ‘beyond transferring knowledge’. Motivation and development of the professional identity of medical lecturers are very important so that they can always play their role with the best performance according to their individual potential. Self-potential development either on personal initiative or support from the system in educational institutions can encourage medical lecturers to be capable of lifelong learning. “Thus, it would not be an overstatement if the professionalism development of medical lecturers should become the core of the transformation of medical education in Indonesia,” she said.

It was all delivered by Prof. Titien in her inaugural speech which focused on the development of medical lecturer professionalism. Therefore, Prof. Titien emphasized that the development of medical lecturers must be an integral part of the development of medical education institutions because those who always grow and are adaptive will be able to support medical education institutions to continuously improve themselves in scientific development, education, research, and community service.

Prof. Titien inauguration ceremony was led by the Rector of UI Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. at IMERI Hall, UI Salemba Campus, and broadcast virtually via UI and UITeve Youtube channels. The inauguration of the professor was also attended by the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Budi Gunadi Sadikin, CHFC, CLU.; Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health and Main Director of Sulianti Saroso Hospital, dr. Mohammad Syahril, Sp.P, MPH .; Secretariat General of Health Services, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, dr. Soenarto; Main Director of RSCM dr. Lies Dina Liastuti, SpJP(K), MARS, FIHA.; and Professor of the Department of Medical Education FKUI and Association of Indonesian Medical Education Reviewers, Prof. Dr. dr. Retno W. Subaryo, SpKK(K).

Prof. Titien completed Medical Education Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia and graduated as a general practitioner in 2002. Then Prof. Titien continued her education in the field of Medical Education at Melbourne Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Science, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia and obtained her PhD in 2007. Since 2009, she has been actively teaching at the Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia and was confirmed as the First Professor of Medical Education FKUI at the age of 44.

Several titles of her scientific works are Strengthening Resilience in Medical and Health Professions Education: The Dynamic Interaction of Culture, Humanistic Environment, and Positive Role Modeling (2022); Professional Identity Formation of Medical Teachers in a Non-Western Setting, Professional Identity Formation of Medical Students: A Mixed-Methods Study in a Hierarchical and Collectivist Culture (2022); Collaborative Clinical Reasoning Learning Using an Integrated Care Pathway in Undergraduate Interprofessional Education: An Explorative Study (2022); and Supporting Newly Graduated Medical Doctors in Managing COVID-19: An Evaluation of a Massive Open Online Course in a Limited Resource Setting.

Author: Mariana

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