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Chairman of MPR RI, Former Menpora, and Head of PPATK Attended the Graduation of Their Children at UI


Still in the series of Odd Semester Graduations for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Universitas Indonesia (UI) this morning (Saturday, 11/3) held another graduation procession at the Balairung UI, Depok Campus, specifically for the vocational and undergraduate levels. This graduation was attended by 2,278 participants consisting of 16 participants from the Associate Degree Diploma Program, 1,970 participants from the Undergraduate Program, 187 participants from the International Undergraduate Program, and 105 participants from the Extension Program.

The graduation procession led by UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., was attended by Chairman of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia (MPR RI) Dr. H. Bambang Soesatyo, S.E., M.B.A., as the guardian of her daughter, Gladys Raditya Sartika, who graduated from the Faculty of Law UI.

In a short interview, Dr. Bambang expressed his happiness for the achievements his daughter had achieved. “As a parent of a student who was declared to have passed and graduated today, I am indeed touched and proud. I hope that the knowledge gained by my daughter and other UI alumni can be of benefit to society. I encourage my daughter who graduated today to continue to the next level of education,” said Dr. Bambang.

On the same occasion, Minister of Youth and Sports Affairs (Menpora) of Indonesia Bersatu Cabinet (2004–2009) Dr. H. Adhyaksa Dault, S.H., M.Sc. was also present as the parent of Fakhira Maryam Putri Adhyaksa who graduated from the Communication Studies Program, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UI.

Apart from the chairman of the MPR RI and the former Menpora, Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) Ivan Yustiavandana was also seen attending the graduation of his relative.

Dr. Adhyaksa said that he and his wife were also UI alumni. Adhyaksa is an alumnus of the Master’s Program in the Department of Sociology FISIP UI, while his wife is an alumna of FISIP UI in 1986. “I am grateful that my child can graduate as a FISIP UI alumna. Hopefully, UI in the future can produce leaders who are pious, honest, trustworthy, and able to use their knowledge and bring the good name of UI and the nation,” said Dr. Adhyaksa.

The hope uttered by the former Mempora is not without reason. This is because out of a total of around two thousand graduates, there were 1,036 graduates graduating with cum laude predicate. Hocky Yudhiono from the Faculty of Computer Sciences (Fasilkom) and Muhammad Ghithrif Gustomo Putra from the Faculty of Economics and Business are the two students who earn the highest Grade Point Average (GPA), which is 3.99. This result was achieved thanks to the hard work of both of them while studying at UI.

While in college, Hocky was the 1st winner of the Outstanding Student of Fasilkom UI 2022. He and his team have also won the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) Asia Regional Jakarta 2022 competition as the Best National Team. In line with that, Ghithrif, who is from Palu, Central Sulawesi, has also received the Most Potential Batch 2019 award in the “Awarding of Outstanding Student and FEB UI Awards 2021” event.

Ghithrif said that all of these achievements were inseparable from the support of many parties. “GPA of 3.99 is actually not something we can get alone. It has to go through a lot of support from lecturers, friends, family, and of course from ourselves who have to be disciplined,” said Ghithrif.

In his thesis, Ghithrif discusses the effects of natural disasters in Palu, which is the impact of the Palu tsunami on ownership of natural disaster insurance. He wants to see if the people there are more aware after experiencing the disaster. This research was conducted as a form of Ghithrif’s contribution to his hometown. “UI alumni are intelligent people, but we need more smart people who are willing to collaborate, not to compete. Whatever career path we choose, hopefully, it can be a path of sustenance that also contributes to the community because the knowledge gained must be put to the right path,” said Ghithrif.

Author: Sasa

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