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The Role of Forensic Psychology in Investigating Criminal Cases

Forensic Psychology can explain the background of a crime as well as define and find the perpetrators of the crime. This statement was delivered by the Chief of the Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Region of the Indonesian National Police, Irjen. Pol. Dr. Drs. Muhammad Fadil Imran, M.Si., at the 5th National Conference of the Forensic Psychology Association (APSIFOR) of the Indonesian Psychological Association (HIMPSI) which was held at the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia (FPsi UI).

According to Irjen. Pol. M. Fadil, pieces of evidence such as biological materials, witness statements, and photo and video recordings are often found in a damaged state; thus, requiring the police to cooperate with experts from APSIFOR. The cooperation aims to thoroughly explore and conduct an investigation with a disciplinary approach from experts. This collaboration will increase the ability and knowledge of police officers by analyzing and observing experts in assessing forensic results.

According to Prof. Dr. Topane Gaius Lumbuun, S.H., M.H., who has served as Supreme Court Justice, through forensic psychology, examinations are based on the perpetrator’s psychological perspective which will later play an important role in the judge’s decision. “The importance of investigations based on science is that science can uncover crimes by minimizing errors in sentencing. From this, we can see the motives and psychological conditions that influence the actions of the perpetrators,” said Prof. Gaius.

In line with this, one of the UI lecturers, Dr. Risa Permanadeli, a psychologist, explained the theory of social representation which departs from psychology. According to her, every person behaves based on the knowledge he has acquired while being a member of society throughout his life. Social representation relates to the process of social and cultural learning which has implications for language and linguistics. This language will form a pattern of people’s habits.

In addition, language is also a tool for creating a concept or understanding. She added that there is a need for an approach to how the local community’s reasoning functions to understand existing legal phenomena. Therefore, a connection is needed to understand the law in various archipelago regions with differences in language, customs, and values or beliefs.

The discussion which raised the topic “The Role of Forensic Psychology in Science-Based Criminal Investigations” was opened directly by Dean of the Faculty of Psychology UI Dr. Bagus Takwin., M.Hum., Psikolog. Another speaker, namely one of the UI lecturers who is an expert in the field of criminology and police, Prof. Drs. Adrianus E. Meliala, M.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., and Professor of FPsi UI Prof. Dr. Hamdi Muluk, Psikolog as the moderator. This activity was done as a form of collaboration between FPsi UI and APSIFOR HIMPSI, which was held on Friday (10/3). As the Chairman of the Committee for the 5th National Conference and the National Scientific Seminar of APSIFOR HIMPSI, Dr. Naomi Soetikno, M.Pd., Psikolog, said that the purpose of this event was to make participants become more familiar with forensic psychology, in terms of how it works and its role in society.

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