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UI Vocational Program Wins Excellent Accreditation Once More

Depok, July 5th 2023. Hospital Administration (RS) Study Program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI) is the third study program in UI Vocational Education Program to win the title of excellence in the 2022-2023 period. This accreditation was obtained from the Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (LAM-PTKes) based on Decree (SK) Number 0460/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/VI/2023 that will be valid until June 8th, 2028.

UI Vocational Education Program Director, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, appreciated this achievement. According to him, the UI Vocational Education Program must become a leading institution that produces competent people in their respective fields. “I hope the students can continue to develop and contribute to the world of health,” he said.

The Hospital Administration Program prepares skilled, professional, and work-ready staff in hospital administration through a curriculum designed to produce graduates who can compete in the industrial world. Based on the results of the tracer study, graduates of the Hospital Administration study program are well-received by the job market, with a relatively short waiting time to enter their first job.

This study program has collaborated with the Early Recruitment Program (ERP), so that graduates can work in hospitals before obtaining a diploma. In addition, to guarantee competency based on standards, each graduate needs to take the Hospital Executive Administrative Assistant certification exam from the UI Professional Certification Institute in the final semester.

The Head of the Hospital Administration Department, Supriadi, S.K.M., M.A.R.S., expressed his happiness for this achievement. “These results were obtained through cooperation, collaboration, support, participation, and prayers from all the academics of the UI Vocational Education Program. Even so, there is still a continuous standard that needs to be improved in order to maintain the quality of education in the Hospital Administration study program,” said Supriadi.

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