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UI Holds Health Examination for Thousands of New Students as a Commitment of Health Campus

Depok, July 25th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) is carrying out health check-ups for new UI students of batch 2023 as a form of commitment to creating an inclusive educational environment. The activity, which took place on 24 July–4 August 2023, aims to identify the health conditions of new students in order to support the smooth running of teaching and learning activities, as well as UI’s first step in producing UI graduates who are physically and mentally healthy.

According to the Head of UPT Clinic of Satellite Makara UI, Dr. dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati, M.Sc. CM-FM., Sp.KKLP., identifying student health conditions is part of UI’s commitment to providing additional facilities needed by students. “To ensure that health check services are easily accessible to students, UI has prepared a budget so that all health facilities during health checks can be accessed free of charge,” said Dr. Dhanasari.

This student medical examination activity involved several units at UI, namely the Makara Satellite Clinic; Directorate of Facility Operation and Maintenance; Directorate of Information Systems and Technology; as well as the Directorate of Student Affairs. Students who take this examination will undergo several stages to validate their health information.

These stages are, first, students are directed to fill out a form that contains a personal medical history and family medical history. Then, they are asked to fill out a special form to find out if they have mental health problems, behavior related to health problems, or information that show the student has special needs. Next, students undergo a physical examination at the Satellite Clinic.

After going through these stages, students will receive the results of the examination which are recorded directly in the medical record. The results of this examination are in the form of a statement from the doctor whether the student requires further action or not. The follow-up action in question are blood laboratory tests, X-rays, consultation with a psychologist, or other health checks as needed.

Nadine, a student of the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering UI, who has attended a medical examination, expressed her appreciation for this activity. According to her, the examination time that is made flexible and can be chosen freely is very helpful for new students who have quite a busy schedule of activities. She said, “This medical check-up is very well organized where there are no lines that spread. The health workers gave clear directions and carried out the examination deftly, starting from measuring blood pressure, weight and height, as well as checking eye health.”

The medical examination activity will be attended by more than 9,000 new students. The Satellite Clinic ensures that all new students will take this examination with a quota of 1,000 students per day. The Satellite Clinic will also provide Physical Activity Limitation (PAF) cards for students who have certain health conditions during the Campus Life Orientation (OKK) activities.

With this medical examination, Dr. Dhanasari hopes that student health data can be monitored properly thus if there is a health problem, it can be handled immediately. She said, “In UI’s efforts to create a healthy campus environment, we expect awareness from students to utilize health facilities and coordinate well to help UI, especially the Satellite Clinic, continue to monitor the health conditions of all UI students.”

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