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UI and UNUD Discuss Key Performance Indicators and University Rankings

Depok, June 26th 2023. Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Udayana University (UNUD) for a comparative study regarding the measurement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and university rankings. The visit, which was held on Thursday (22/6), in Meeting Room A Floor 2, Administration Center Building, UI Depok Campus, was received directly by UI Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, drg. Nurtami, Ph.D., Sp,OF(K).

In her remarks, drg. Nurtami said that ranking is a continuous improvement. According to her, UI’s current focus is measuring how the performance of various activities and programs can have an impact. If UI refers too much to KPI parameters or to rankings, the university will lose its uniqueness and superiority. “The principle of success and ranking is mutual cooperation. The IKU (KPI) ranking and reporting strategy at UI is to maximize performance across all KPIs. It is possible that each university has a different strategy for KPI reporting,” said drg. Nurtami.

During his visit, UNUD Vice-Rector for Planning, Cooperation & Information, Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmika, M.Kes., said that apart from learning about KPIs and rankings, UNUD also wanted to learn about human resource management at UI. “We want to learn from UI, because as an educational institution, UI is already at a very mature organizational stage,” said Prof. I Putu.

On that occasion, the two universities held discussions regarding KPI strategies and achievements. There were eight KPIs discussed at the meeting, namely KPI 1 (graduates getting decent jobs), KPI 2 (students getting experience off campus), KPI 3 (lecturers doing activities outside campus), KPI 4 (practitioners teaching on campus) , KPI 5 (lecturers’ work results are used by the community or receive international recognition), KPI 6 (study programs in collaboration with world-class partners), KPI 7 (collaborative and participatory classes), and KPI 8 (study programs with international standards).

Each supporting directorate explained the strategy and achievements of KPI at UI. The KPI 1 implementation strategy is carried out through the realization of a tracer study workflow. Dissemination and reporting of results from tracer study are not limited to meeting accreditation requirements. Meanwhile, regarding KPI 3 and 4, UI implements individual and unit strategies to maintain the quality of lecturers’ KPIs. Individual strategies are carried out through self-service dissemination with the Sister application; implementation of lecturer workload; and reminding the lecturer to update the data. The unit strategy is carried out by preparing lecturer data comparisons and periodic monitoring on lecturer data updates in the UI environment.

For KPI 6, UI always encourages cooperation with domestic and foreign partners. Every year, UI has an average of 85 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), 271 Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), and 126 collaborations with foreign partners. This cooperation strategy is carried out by initiating the preparation of an MoU with partners through a roadshow program for initiatives and strategic engagement and coordination with the faculty to evaluate the achievements of the cooperation that has been established. This is done to achieve UI education quality within
international standard.

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