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In Enhancing Awareness of Global Environmental Issues, UI Collaborates with CSEAS

SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (SIL) Universitas Indonesia collaborated with Center for South East Asia Studies (CSEAS) Kyoto University to hold a one-day seminar with the theme Indonesian Dynamics and Socio-environmental Challenges Multidisciplinary Study’s Perspectives which was held at Inamori Building CSEAS, Wednesday (26/7) .

This seminar aimed to explore and discuss various issues related to environmental socio-economic challenges from various multidisciplinary perspectives.

Deputy Director of SIL UI, Dony Abdul Chalid, underlined that international cooperation between universities is an important thing to do. “In this case, it is done to enhance the quality of knowledge and share insight for students on global environmental issues,” he said as quoted in a statement, Thursday (27/7).

The event was also attended by Fumihani Mieno from CSEAS who stated that Indonesia is the most important partner in Southeast Asia “As the largest country with various multidisciplinary issues that are very interesting to explore,” said Meino.

In the discussion, various issues and research conducted by speakers from SIL University of Indonesia and from Kyoto University were discussed.

The first presentation was delivered by Mao Higami, a Ph.D student from the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS) Kyoto University who discussed Disaster Risk Management by taking a case study in Yogyakarta. Several presentations on other topics were also discussed in an interesting and constructive manner with very comprehensive inputs.

Other topics that were discussed were the Contemporary Significance and Role of Gotong Royong in Yogyakarta by Mayu Okuda from ASAFAS Kyoto University, Hafia Luma Munira from the University of Indonesia who discussed Local Challenges in Preserving Their Housing and Livelihood, Syaiful Aulia Garibaldi from SIL UI who presented his research topic on Sustainable Mycelium Biocomposite Artworks, and Retno Setiowati from SIL UI with a presentation on the results of her research on Monetary Valuation of Urban Green Open Space Using the Hedonic Price Model.

In the next session, a PhD student from the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES) University of Kyoto that came from Indonesia, Muhammad Amin Shodiq, presented the results of his research on Green Urban Village in the Urban Community Environment in Indonesia who took a case study in the city of Surabaya.

Other interesting issues, among others, were presented by Genta Kuno from ASAFAS Kyoto University who discussed Regional Variation of Boarding Houses Rental Contracts in Jakarta, a focus on Cohabitation and research topics from Citra Fahilah Utami on Spatial Planning and Land Use System Conformity in Indonesia, Image and Fact.

In the afternoon session, several fascinating research topics were also presented at this seminar. Natsuki Chubachi from ASAFAS Kyoto University presented his research on The Creation of Islamic Environmental Law; a Study on Muslim Scholars’ Commitment to Climate Change.

There was also a presentation on The Assessment of Socio-hydrological System Resilience Based on Vulnerability Index Analysis in Citarum River by Masni Dyta Anggriani from SIL UI, followed by Kirstie Imelda, a student at SIL Ul, who presented her research topic on the Actor Network Theory Approach for Forest. Coverage Management in the Upper Citarum Watershed.

The presentation was then continued by Ph.D student from Indonesia Anggi Mardiyanto from GSGES Kyoto University who discussed his research on the Impact of Climate Change and Landscape Alteration on Avian Migration.

In the last session, three SIL UI students, namely Dian Charity Hidayat, Nova Amalia Sukma, and Dessy Tri Nugraheni each presented their research topic on Sustainable Food Estate in the Peat Hydrological Unit, Life Cycle Assessment of Hospital Waste Water Treatment, and Sustainability Study of Co-firing Case Study of Co-firing at Steam Power Plant in Indonesia.

These multidisciplinary topics were discussed in a very interesting manner and received various criticisms and in-depth input from various experts from both Indonesia and Japan.

This seminar was considered very important to be conducted as a forum for exchanging knowledge and research as well as sharing knowledge from numerous latest research topics related to environmental issues.

It is hoped that this seminar will form a collaborative research culture that is very beneficial for the progress of environmental science both in Indonesia and in Japan. (Z-6)


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