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UI Holds Workshop on Public Information Disclosure

Depok, June 22nd 2023. Public disclosure at Universitas Indonesia (UI) by the Central Information Commission, is classified in the informative category in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Last year, UI won two awards from the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, namely the first best organization of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) for the category of State Universities, and the second best performance for the 2022 budget for the category of Legal-Entity State Universities. Disclosure of public information aims to guarantee the public’s right to access information on the administration of public bodies at all levels.

This is as mandated by Law (UU) Number 14 Year 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure. In order to deepen mutual understanding and synergy, UI, through the Public Relations Bureau and KIP UI, held a workshop on Public Information Disclosure regarding the Procurement of Goods and Services within UI, on Thursday (22/6), in the Meeting Room, University Administration Center, UI Depok Campus, West Java.

Present as resource persons were the Commissioner for Research and Documentation of the Central Information Commission, Rospita Vici Paulyn, as well as a representative from the General Bureau of Procurement of Goods and Services, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) RI, Roria Rapmauli Simorangkir. This workshop was attended by leaders and information officers in work units at the University Administration Center; the Deans/Directors and information officers in Faculties/Schools/Vocational Education Programs. In addition, there were also the organizers of goods and services procurement activities within UI, including the Director and the Heads of Sub-Directorates of the Procurement and Logistics Directorate and those in charge of procurement within the Faculties/Schools/Vocational Education Programs participated in this workshop.

Secretary University of Universitas Indonesia, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D. explained that UI has a commitment to implement this law as effectively as possible. This is demonstrated by the development of the organization and work procedures of the unit that handles public information disclosure at UI which allow public information disclosure at UI can be implemented. “Through this event, we gather to deepen our understanding of public information disclosure so that we can implement it properly, especially in the process of procuring goods and services,” said dr. Agustin in her remarks.

Commissioner for Research and Documentation of the Central Information Commission, Rospita Vici Paulyn appreciated UI as a public body that is committed to conducting information disclosure in all sectors, especially the procurement of goods and services. Through the UI website and, UI provides information that is easily accessible to the public.

“What has been implemented at UI is in line with the bureaucratic transformation of the UU KIP, namely providing and serving requests for information quickly, on time, at low/proportionate costs, and in a simple manner. When there is no transparency it results in distrust and a deep sense of insecurity,” said Rospita.

Meanwhile, a representative from the General Bureau of Goods and Services Procurement of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Roria Rapmauli Simorangkir said that public information disclosure is related to archives in order to ensure the availability of the information needed. Indeed, there is harmony between the provisions on public information and the provisions on archives. In principle, information on procurement of goods/services is accessible and must be disseminated to the public if there is a request for public information.

“The importance of neat documentation and archives in each work unit aims to ensure requests for information can be fulfilled on time. For this reason, every actor in the procurement of goods and services needs to have an understanding regarding public information disclosure,” said Roria.

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