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Friendly Tennis Competition between UI and Undiksha, Udayana University and Bali Regional Police

Depok, Tuesday August 1st 2023, the Club Tennis Universitas Indonesia(CTUI), which is under the auspices of UI, held a Friendly Tennis Match which took place from 26 – 30 July 2023 in Bali with the theme “Bringing UI Towards a High Reputation, Together with Partners Contributing to Each Other“. This activity is part of a series of activities to celebrate UI’s 2023 Anniversary which aims to strengthen cooperative and friendly relations between UI and the University of Education Ganesha (Undhiksa), Udayana University, and the Bali Regional Police (Polda) as UI’s efforts to build synergy with UI partners in Indonesia.

The Friendly Tennis Match organized by UI is an event held as a manifestation of the spirit of unity, togetherness, and love for the sport of tennis which involves UI leaders, lecturers, academic staff, students, alumni and retired staff within the UI who compete in a passionate atmosphere. sportsmanship and friendship.

This Friendly Tennis Match is divided into 2 sessions: the 1st session on 27 July 2023 with the University of Education of Ganesha (Undiksha) on the Undiksha – Singaraja Indoor field and the 2nd session on 29 July 2023 with Udayana University and the Bali Regional Police on the field ofKodam IX Udayana Kepaon-Denpasar.

Rector of Undiksha Prof. Dr. I Wayan Lasmawan, M.Pd who was unable to attend was represented by Vice Rector II – Dr. I Wayan Artanayasa, S.Pd., M.Pd. I Wayan Artanayasa expressed his pleasure for the presence of the UI team for this friendly tennis match. ”This friendly tennis match is a good opportunity for us to try out against opponents from the UI Team. We certainly welcome the opportunity to hold a practice match and are very happy, especially since we are also preparing for a tennis match within the framework of the Indonesian LPTK Cup championship, which will be held in Malang in October 2023. Hopefully, we can also make a return visit to play tennis at UI,” emphasized the Vice Rector II of Undiksha.

The remarks from the representatives of the UI Team were delivered by former Vice Rector III UI for the 2014 – 2019 period in the field of Research, Development and Industrial Cooperation, Drs Sunardji, SE, who is also the Advisor for CTUI. Sunardji expressed his gratitude for the friendly and warm welcome from the Undiksha academic community for the presence of the UI Team on the Undiksha campus. “Through this sport of tennis, we can foster friendly relations with outsiders. Hopefully, with this friendly tennis match, the friendship between UI and Undiksha can be improved and continued. We are also waiting for the presence of Undiksha friends at the UI Depok Campus.”

Dr. Rokhmatullah, S.Si., M.Eng, as Chair of CTUI and Chair of the Friendly Tennis Competition Committee said that the activity being carried out was a continuation of CTUI activities in previous years, such as friendly tennis matches with Unnes Semarang, Police Academy – Semarang, UPI – Bandung, and others. It was only this July that a friendly tennis match was held with Undiksha, Udayana University, and the Bali Regional Police. It is hoped that the benefits of this activity will not only improve the abilities of CT UI players but also build cooperation and networking, synergize and collaborate between UI and various other partners. These partners can become supporters of UI’s progress, thereby bringing UI’s reputation even better not only in academic but also non-academic rankings.

Session 2 of the friendly tennis match with the Bali Regional Police and Udayana University on July 29th 2023 was opened with remarks from Prof. Dr. dr. I Putu Gede Adiatmiko, M.Kes (Vice Rector IV for Cooperation Planning and Information ). He said, “We are happy to welcome the presence of friends from UI. We usually meet in a meeting room, but this time we met on the court through a tennis match. Hopefully, this friendship can continue in various other activities. We from Udayana University look forward to visiting UI to work together. May this friendly tennis match bring health benefits and it will also be enjoyable for everyone.”

The next speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA (Vice Rector IV for Human Resources and UI Assets). “We call this friendly match Cheerful Tennis. This match is a friendly meeting between UI and Udayana University as well as the Bali Regional Police, so that it can increase intimacy and community. It’s called a friendly tennis match, so no one wins or loses, but if someone wins it’s even better. This match is to make everyone happy. Hopefully, with this activity, the hospitality can continue and Udayana University can also compete at UI.”

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