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Strategies for Journal Managers to Achieve Scopus Indexation

Depok, August 4th, 2023. To provide an overview to the board of editors and journal managers in the UI environment and tips for achieving international journal indexation, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Directorate of Administration, Data, and Research and Innovation Products Management (ADPPRI) held a workshop journal internationalization on Wednesday (2/8) with the theme “Preparing Academic Journals for Internationalization.” The workshop, which was held in the Meeting Room of the UI Administration Center Building, was also a forum for sharing experiences and information regarding strategies that journal managers could implement to achieve Scopus indexation.

This workshop was filled with presentations from several speakers from UI, as well as the Editor-in-Chief of the Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Catalysis, Diponegoro University, Prof. Dr. Istadi and Editor-in-Chief of Paediatrica Indonesiana from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDI), Prof. Dr. dr. Partini P. Trihono, SpA(K), M.Med(Paed). After this activity, it is hoped that the participants will gain insight that can be used for journal management and the international indexation bidding process. In addition, the strategies that had been described in this workshop can be brought to the editorial board of each journal for discussion, so that the bidding results will be maximized later.

When delivering the welcoming speech, Plt. ADPPRI Director Suminto, B. Ak., S. Sos., M.Sc. said that currently, there are not many UI journals indexed by Scopus. Journal quality is one of the main indicators in the rector’s performance contract and is a parameter or benchmark in research performance for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

One of the topics raised in the workshop was the Strategy for Achieving and Maintaining the Scopus Indexed Predicate which was delivered by three journal managers in the UI environment. Editor-in-Chief of Interiority Faculty of Engineering (FT) UI, Prof. Paramita Atmodiwirjo, ST., M.Arch., PhD., explained that one of the strategies that journals can use to penetrate the Scopus indexation is to focus the aims and scope of the journal on a more specific field of knowledge.

The editorial board of the journal also plays an important role in managing the journal so that the journal can achieve Scopus indexation. “What the editorial board can do is to build networking with experts on fields that are in line with the scope of the journal as well as to build the journal’s reputation towards the reader in order to increase citation,” said Rizky Banyualam Permana LL.M., Managing Editor of the Indonesian Journal of International Law, Faculty of Law (FH) UI, which has been indexed by Scopus and ranked 1st in the Indonesia Science and Technology Index (SINTA).

Managing Editor of the Medical Journal of Indonesia Faculty of Medicine (FK) UI, dr. Felix Firyanto Widjaja, Sp. PD., added that in order for journals to be indexed in international indexes, journal management must follow best practices that have been set by international standards in publishing scientific journals. In order to fulfill the requirements to be considered for Scopus indexing, journal managers must pay attention to several things such as the number of published articles per year, published article citations, the number and diversity of the editorial board, the diversity of article authors, and others.

Prof. Dr. Julwan Hendry Purba, ST., M.App.IT , Editor-in-Chief of Atom Indonesia from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) shared tips Atom Indonesia did to improve citations. “We ask the editorial board, when they publish in other journals, they must cite Atom Indonesia,” said Prof. Julwan.

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