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UI Holds Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop Towards Accountable Performance Reports

Universitas Indonesia held a Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop with the theme Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) at the UI Convention Center (31/05). This activity aimed to disseminate the SAKIP instrument to monev implementers at the University Administrative Center, Faculty/School, and Vocational Education Program levels.

In his remarks, Head of Bureau of Transformation, Risk Management, Evaluation And Monitoring (TREM) UI, Vishnu Juwono, S.E., M.I.A., Ph.D said the workshop aims to ensure that there is awareness in all work units and faculties because there is an Integrity Zone initiative, as one of the requested components is related to participation in SAKIP and SAKIP assessment at the faculty level. “So, awareness of SAKIP has come earlier so that the winners of the Zone Integrity Award later proposed at the Ministry of Education and Culture level will be better prepared,” said Vishnu.

This workshop presented speakers including Budget Analyst (Sub-coordinator of Performance Planning and Budget) of the Ministry of Administrative Reform (Menpan-RB), Firmansyah., S.ST., Coordinator of the Performance Accountability Function, Ministry of Education, Culture Research, and Technology, Dr. Cyti Daniela Aruan, MHRM and Nurma Mangunsong who conveyed the procedures for filling out the AKIP Evaluation Worksheet on the SPASIKITA Application.

SAKIP certainly has a very important role in efforts to improve the performance of government agencies and can be used as a tool to improve policies, as well as encourage innovation, plan programs and activities to achieve goals. “SAKIP is not just an administrative report, but this is an important obligation that needs to be carried out as a form of organizational accountability. With this principle of accountability, it is mandated to every government agency to be accountable for the programs and realized budgets,” said Prof. Erwan.

The components in SAKIP include planning, measurement, performance reporting and evaluation of internal performance accountability. This process cannot be separated from the influence of the leadership’s roles and policies, from planning, implementation to evaluation. These roles include: being involved and providing input on organizational performance planning that is oriented towards results (outcome); provide input and make decisions on the results of monitoring and evaluation for performance improvement; provide input in performance reporting that influences the next performance planning policy; identify employees or work teams who perform well or not well by giving awards or warnings.

In addition, the role of the leadership is also involved in the placement of employees or work teams (mutation) to improve organizational performance and play an important role in transforming organizational culture that is oriented towards achieving organizational performance. “Leaders play an important role in identifying performance indicators or goals . When this role is lost, those at the technical level often lose steam. Therefore, the role of leadership is needed in efforts to improve the quality of AKIP,” said Dr. Cyti.

In regards to preparing supporting evidence for performance reports in accordance with SAKIP provisions, Nurma Mangunsong explained that the Performance Report had been included in the SPASIKITA Application. Simplification of work processes and development in the SPASIKITA application continues to be carried out as an effort to optimize accountability. “In addition, SPASIKITA is also integrated with evaluation and budget monitoring,” said Nurma.

In this activity, the Monev Award was also announced which aims to give appreciation and is expected to motivate implementers at the Faculty/School/Educational Program level as well as the University Administration Center to improve the achievement of performance indicators. Awards were also given to monev PIC at the Faculty/School/Educational Program level and the University Administration Center, who had shown good performance. Among them, collecting supporting evidence in accordance with indicators and achievements as well as cooperatively and working with the TREM Bureau in the process of inputting monitoring and evaluation before the specified deadline.

The recipients of the 2023 Monev Award are as follows:

Highest Achieving Faculties:
1. Faculty of Medicine (FK)
2. Faculty of Nursing (FIK)
3. Vocational Education Program (VOKASI)
Highest Achieving Sector:
1. Sector 3 (Vice Rector for Research and Innovation)
2 University Secretary (SU)
3. Sector 1 (Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs)
Highest Achieving University Administration Center:
1. Directorate of Research and Development (DRP)
2. International Office (KUI)
3. Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP)
Faculty/School/Education Program Category University Administration Center Work Unit Category PIC 
1st Rank

Debbie Puspasari (FIA)

2nd Rank

Pradnya Paramytha Pharameswari, A.Md. (FIB)

3rd Rank

Indra Brahma Tria Putra (FT)

Dewi Amelia N. R, S.E (Directorate of Administration, Data, and Research and Innovation Product Management) Sri Haniati, S.E. (Directorate of Human Resources) Finda Salsabila (Public Relations Bureau and Public Information Disclosure) Gumanti Cita Murni (Sector 4)


Author: Faqih Halim/Editor: Finda Salsabila

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