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The Indonesian Ambassador to the US Visits the UI Booth at NAFSA

Depok, June 3rd, 2023. The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States, Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, visited the Walter E.Washington Convention Center, which was the venue for the 75th NAFSA Convention and Expo 2023, in Washington DC, USA, on June 1st, 2023. On that occasion, he visited the Universitas Indonesia’s booth and was warmly welcomed by Amelita Lusia, Head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Public Information Disclosure with the Head of the Office of International Affairs, drg. Baiduri Widanarko Ph.D. During the visit, Rosan was accompanied by Prof. drg. Diah Ayu Maharani, Ph.D, Attache for Education & Culture of the Indonesian Embassy in Washington DC, and Coordinator of General Substance, Cooperation, Public Relations of the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Yayat Hendayana.

NAFSA is held annually, and in 2023 the theme is Inspiring an Inclusive Future. It was attended by participants from all over the world and took place from 30th of May – 2nd of June 2023.

Through NAFSA, UI is encouraged to internationalize its institutions by building a wider global network with higher education partners from other countries. “UI’s participation has strengthened the bargaining power of Indonesian higher education institutions in this event which has been proven when UI created new partnerships and continued/strengthened old collaborations with higher education partners from around the world, through its programs in education, research and innovation,” said Plt. Director General of Diktiristek Kemdikbud Ristek Prof. Ir. Nizam, M.Sc., DIC, Ph.D., IPU, ASEAN.Eng, on Thursday (1/6/23).

At NAFSA, exhibitors and visitors gain many benefits, including exploring trends in professional development, global thought leadership and multigenerational perspectives, as well as inclusive internationalization for long-term impact. “This event brings together various parties involved in the world of education, sharing information on how to deal with challenges by sharing lessons from experience, viewing from various perspectives, and innovative approaches,” said Amelita Lusia.

According to drg. Baiduri Wijanarko Ph.D, Head of International Office UI, on the third day of the NAFSA, hundreds of people visited the UI booth. “They are partners who have worked together through MoU, but want to expand cooperation activities, as well as parties who are interested in opening up opportunities for cooperation for academic collaboration (student/ staff mobility in short courses, doubles (joint degrees), joint lecturers, and research collaboration.”

Apart from UI, several universities from Indonesia also attended as exhibitors, including UGM, Padjadjaran University, UNAIR, Padang State University, UNHAS, and USU. The four-day activity attracted the attention of the masses to visit. Amelita hopes that after meeting with potential partners at NAFSA, UI can work together with its strategic partners.

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