Jakarta, August 21st, 2023. Zeinab Abbaci, a student at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI) class of 2021 made Indonesia proud thanks to her achievement as the first winner in the ASEAN Youth Speech Contest competition. The innovative idea she conveyed in the speech was the creation of a cultural exhibition using Virtual Reality (VR) technology. She believes that her innovations will be able to increase public knowledge, maintain national identity, and improve digital literacy, which is still low among citizens in ASEAN countries.
Zeinab became the best competition participant among 220 participants from various countries in ASEAN. Through a speech entitled “Diversity in Creation, of ASEAN’s Visionary Generation”, Zeinab conveyed the innovative idea she proposed aimed at encouraging the younger generation to appreciate and appreciate diversity in the ASEAN region.
She focused on three crucial pillars in accordance with the theme of Embracing ASEAN diversity activity, namely creativity, innovation, and smart usage of the digital era. As a student in the medical field, Zeinab sees the development of technology and research tools in the medical field that currently have a very important role in simplifying various explanations of complex matters in this field.
According to her, the use of technology, innovation that comes from the younger generation and cross-sectoral collaboration that supports each other will have a significant effect on the progress of a country. “Inspired by several art performances, scientific seminars and digital exhibitions in Indonesia, then analyzing the social, economic and cultural impacts they left behind, I think cultural exhibitions using VR technology can be developed further by using the creativity and potential of young Indonesians,” said Zeinab.
For the long term, she said again, these ideas and programs will have an impact on improving the socio-economic aspects in each region of ASEAN countries. She explained that programs and ideas with this foundation will act as the epicenter of growth where in addition to maximizing the various potentials of the younger generation in the technology and creativity sector, they can also improve the quality of the younger generation of ASEAN countries.
“Thank you very much to FKUI for providing opportunities and facilities to participate in international competitions. The best way to predict the future is to create it. I hope that not only me, but the entire young generation of the nation can take the opportunities that exist and start from the fields they like. Because the future belongs to those who understand the strength of their steps,” said Zeinab, touched and proud to win this international competition.
The ASEAN Youth Speech Contest was held in a hybrid manner by the ASEAN C company based in Bangkok, Thailand, on 4th of August 2023. The competition is routinely held every year with a mission to strengthen regional connectivity, which aims to provide a platform or collaboration network among business leaders and the next generation youth in supporting the development of the ASEAN community through various connectivity initiatives.
For her achievements, Zeinab had the opportunity to present her ideas at the 56th Anniversary of ASEAN at C ASEAN Forum 2023 ” ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth ” on 8th of August 2023.
FKUI Dean, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, Sp.PD-KGEH., MMB, expressed his pride for the achievements of FKUI students. “Congratulations to Zeinab, the achievement in the ASEAN Youth Speech Contest is a proof and commitment of FKUI in supporting the development of the potential of our students in various fields. This achievement does not only make FKUI, but also for Indonesia. I hope this achievement can be a trigger and inspiration for other FKUI students to continue to make achievements,” he said.