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FMIPA – BMKG Meets to Monitor and Evaluate Cooperation Achievements

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) together with the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) held a Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) meeting on the achievements of cooperation in the field of education at the Avenzel Hotel, and Convention Cibubur, West Java, Thursday (24/8/2023).

This activity, which is held at the end of each semester, is carried out to observe and monitor the development of lecture activities and the academic achievements of BMKG employees who are currently undertaking study assignments in the Postgraduate program of the Department of Physics, FMIPA UI. The aspects that become the assessment parameters in this activity are the achievements in the implementation of student education and research activities.

Previously, FMIPA UI and the BMKG Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) had signed a Cooperation Agreement document regarding the Implementation of Postgraduate Education Programs (S2 and S3) in order to increase the capacity of BMKG’s human resources, in 2022 and 2023. This year is the 4th year that the monitoring and evaluation were carried out.

A total of 21 BMKG employees took part in this collaboration program, consisting of 14 Master’s program students and 7 Doctoral program students for the class of 2020-2022. They are prepared to become quality graduates to develop human resource capacity and the performance of various units within the BMKG environment.

This is in line with the BMKG’s Excellent HR program with a target of producing 500 employees with quality PhD/Doctoral qualifications by 2030, as an effort to achieve the vision of national development, and excellent HR through an integrated learning system that involves every element in the work unit.

Dean of FMIPA UI, Dede Djuhana, Ph.D. conveyed that FMIPA UI and BMKG had established similar cooperation in previous years. According to him, the BMKG program to produce 500 Doctors is a mandate that also motivates FMIPA UI to always improve quality services in the education sector.

“One of the achievements targeted at FMIPA UI Postgraduate graduates is publication, apart from improving skills. Therefore, we are committed to always improving the quality of learning and research,”. said the Dean.

“I hope that the students as well as the supervisor team will actively discuss to jointly see and look for opportunities for research collaboration and scientific publications,” he added.

In line with the Dean, Head of the Physics Department, FMIPA UI, Dr. Djati Handoko, said “We from the Physics department are also very grateful for the trust from BMKG to guide employees on learning tasks through this collaboration. Hopefully in the future, this collaboration will run well, and we certainly want to help BMKG produce competent human resources so that BMKG information becomes not only a regional reference but also global.”

Head of BMKG Education and Training Center Dr. Nelly Florida Riama, S.Si, M.Si., appreciated and expressed her gratitude to the management, teaching team, and the team of FMIPA UI student supervisors who have helped in implementing this collaboration program.

Dr. Nelly also explained that Pusdiklat, as the organizer of competency development programs for BMKG employees, is responsible for increasing human resource capacity through education and training. Moreover, BMKG is currently launching a program to produce 500 employees with doctoral qualifications by 2030, so she believes that her team needs to collaborate with universities to meet this need.

“BMKG targets that there will be 500 quality doctors available by 2030. After their studies, these new doctors will take part in a competency application program to develop the performance of various units at BMKG. Meanwhile, in terms of training, this is done to complement and complete competency development,” said Dr. Nelly.

“BMKG predicts that weather and climate conditions in 2030 will become increasingly complex, requiring the support of more qualified technology and human resources. In regards to that, BMKG is moving quickly to improve the quality of human resources which has been designed to start in 2023,” she continued.

The evaluation and reporting of student learning activity achievements from BMKG was delivered by the Head of the Physic Postgraduate Study Program, Adhi Harmoko Saputro, M.Kom., Ph.D. In front of the ranks of the BMKG Education and Training Center, he reported in detail the achievements of each student. Starting from the percentage of student study achievements (number of credits and semesters), publication achievements to the percentage of research progress.

He also provided input to BMKG/students regarding meeting graduate quality standards such as improving journal review skills, sharpening analysis of results found during research and writing scientific journals.

Also present at this event from FMIPA UI, namely Dr. Tito Latif Indra, M.Si. (Vice Dean for Resources, Ventures and General Administration), Rika Tri Yunarti, Ph.D. (Education Manager), Fakhrur Rizqi, S.Sos. (Human Resources Manager), Mohammad Hidayat, S.Sos. (General and Facilities Manager), Dr. Denny R. Silaban, M.Kom. (Head of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit), and Erning Setiyono, M.Si. (Head of Secretariat), and related unit coordinators.

Also present was the team of lecturers supervising the postgraduate program at the Department of Physics, FMIPA UI, namely Dr. M. Syamsu Rosyid, Dr. Santoso Soekirno, Dr. Prawito Prajitno, Dr. Kusuma Wijaya Literature, Dr. Martarizal.

Meanwhile, from the BMKG, the leaders of the Education and Training Center were present, namely Kadnan, M.Si., Amalia Solicha, S.Kom, MTI., Achmad Supandi, S.Kom., Rifki Priansyah Jasin, S.Tr., as well as the staff of the Education Center and Training.

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