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Telkom University and FIA Seriously Discuss Three Principles of Higher Education

Jakarta, August 21st 2023. One realization of the Three Principles of Higher Education carried out by all universities in Indonesia is conducting comparative studies. In order to optimize implementation and expand cooperation with universities in Indonesia, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from the Faculty of Communication and Business (FKB), Telkom University, which was held in the FIA ​​Main Meeting Room, UI Depok Campus.

The visit was received by the Head of the FIA ​​UI Business Administration Study Program, Dra. Novita Ikasari, M.Comm, Ph.D. She explained the brief history of the establishment of Business Administration Science since 1968. “Currently, there are 22 permanent lecturers and among them, there are three professors. Meanwhile, there are 611 active undergraduate students,” she said.

During the visit, Novita, Ph.D., explained the scientific domain of business administration which refers to the national curriculum from the Indonesian Association of Business Administration Sciences (AIABI). There are three scientific domains of business administration, namely administration, entrepreneurship, and governance. “We, as one of the study programs at FIA UI, have a vision, namely to become a center for the development of excellent undergraduate education programs in the study of business administration and policy as well as strategic governance based on the Three Principles of Higher Education in Southeast Asia,” he said.

AIABI is an association or non-profit organization working in the field of business administration in Indonesia. AIABI aims to develop, advance and promote the science of business administration at the national level. AIABI is also involved in developing educational standards, curricula and best practices in business administration.

FIA UI also introduced LSCC, which is a laboratory that plays an active role in encouraging the growth of a collaboration-based entrepreneurial ecosystem within FIA UI. “LSCC is an entrepreneurship management institution under the FIA ​​UI Department of Business Administration. It is an integrated and synergistic forum with the implementation of the Tridharma of higher education in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation for the FIA ​​UI community, which is located in the Studentpreneur Room, Building M, 3rd Floor, FIA UI Depok. One of the missions of the LSCC is to encourage the birth of creative, innovative and socially impactful studentpreneurs within FIA UI,” said Dra. Novita.

Apart from Novita, Ph.D., also present the Vice Dean of FIA UI for Education, Research and Student Affairs Dr. Fibria Indriati Dwi Liestiawati, S.Sos., M.Si.; Secretary of the Department of Business Administration Dra. Eva Andayani, M.Si.; and Research, Innovation and Community Service Unit Dr. Ixora Lundia Suwaryono, S.Sos, MS. Dr. Fibria Indriati conveyed that FIA UI’s commercial administration knowledge consists of six fields, namely financial and corporate governance; strategic human resources; strategic marketing; strategic governance; Entrepreneurship (Behavior & Organization); and Social Innovation.

In the meeting that took place on Monday (7/08/2023), FIA UI and FKB Telkom University also shared information regarding graduate profiles, facilities, the Independent Learning-Independent Campus (MBKM) program, courses, instructors, activities, collaborations, and more .

“Our purpose for visiting FIA UI is to gather information and comparative studies related to teaching, research and community service activities carried out in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program at Universitas Indonesia,” said Head of the Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program Syahputra, Ph.D.

One of the lecturers of the Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program at Telkom University, Aldi Akbar, A.T., M.M., who also attended the visit, said that the Telkom University Business Administration Study Program has a vision to become a study program that plays an active role in research development, business management and information technology-based entrepreneurship in 2023. “Currently, there are 1,521 active students in Business Administration and we have obtained excellent accreditation from BANPT,” he said.

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