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Inclusive and Equal Education for Street Children in South Tangerang

Depok, September 1st, 2023. Even though education is a right for all children, plenty of them have not received education, especially children who are still “on the street”. Overcoming this is not only the responsibility of the government, but also requires commitment and collaboration from various layers of society.

Realizing this, students of the Accounting study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI) conducted community service activities (pengmas) for 31 street children in Pondok Cabe Ilir, Pamulang, South Tangerang. This is also in line with the 4th Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and increasing lifelong learning opportunities for all.

In carrying out their service, UI Vocational Accounting students worked closely with Salsabil Homeschooling, which is a free school program initiated by one of the UI Vocational Accounting alumni, Marthias Priambodo, from 2011 until now. Since 2012 until now, UI Vocational Accounting students have joined as teachers. Every two weeks, 85 UI Vocational Accounting students batch 2022 take turns presenting material and teaching to 31 street children who are also Salsabil Homeschooling students. The material presented is subject for junior and senior high school levels, such as Indonesian Language, Sociology, Pancasila and Civic, and Geography, in accordance with predetermined curriculum and subjects.

This activity aimed to eradicate illiteracy, empower the community through education, and achieve the goals of Indonesian independence in educating the nation’s life. This is in line with the goal of Salsabil Homeschooling, which is to help the government overcome the problem of improving education for marginalized communities. Currently, Salsabil Homeschooling has 31 children participating from grade 6 of elementary school to grade 12 of high school.

The Head of the Accounting Study Program, Andhita Yukihana Rahmayanti, SE.Ak., M.Si., CA., CPA., CBV., Cert.DA., said that the community service activities provide an experience for students to care for others, especially the people who are unable to get a proper education due to costs. She explained, “I hope UI Vocational students can participate in this program continuously. Apart from that, UI Vocational ProgramI is very supportive of this activity.”

Meanwhile, the Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, expressed his support for this activity. “I and Vocational UI are proud of the activities carried out by Salsabil Homeschooling. In line with Vocational UI’s commitment to having a positive impact on society through their knowledge, these students have proven that the real actions they take can benefit society,” said Padang.

One of the students in this activity, Arjuna Agrabana Anindio Putra, expressed his gratitude for this community service. “Thank you everyone from the UI Vocational Program. This activity gave us a lot of insight and learning opportunities. We are very happy to study together here, and get a lot of knowledge, friends, and also enthusiasm from UI Vocational students. Hopefully one day we can become part of Universitas Indonesia,” said Arjuna.

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