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From Spices to Products with Selling Value in the Market

Depok, September 4th, 2023. Like the words of wisdom “from nothing to something”, Sukajaya Village, which is located in Sumedang Regency, West Java, is invited to process cultivated plants that are underestimated into products with sale value. “Last year, I was intrigued when the price of ginger fell very cheaply, namely IDR 2,000 per kilo,” said Prof. Dr. apt. Berna Elya, M.Si., expert on medicinal plants in Indonesia, and Head of the community service team (pengmas) from Universitas Indonesia (UI) explained the reasons for choosing the location for the community service activities.

Sukana, S.M., Head of Sukajaya Village, welcomed the program initiated by UI. “The products produced from this community service are ready-to-brewJamu Wedang Uwuh and Candy Turmeric Tamarind branded Opicena (Original Spices from Indonesia). Both products are made from spices that are cultivated in Sukajaya Village,” said Sukana.

The majority of Sukajaya Village residents have livelihoods as farmers and farm laborers. The agricultural sector in the village is supported by fertile and extensive agricultural land, but unfortunately this land has not been utilized and managed optimally.

“Sukajaya Village has good potential to optimally manage its land as a source of income for its residents,” said Professor of the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) UI, Prof. Dr. apt. Berna Elya, M.Si.

The 2023 FF UI Community Service Team conducted counseling about the health benefits of spices grown by residents. Apart from that, the community service team also carried out training to process these spices into high quality processed products which can then be sold at good prices to improve the community’s economy.

The grant, which was awarded by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, was given on Saturday (12/08) and provided drying equipment and spice grinders intended for small home industries. These tools can make it easier for residents to produce herbal medicine and candy, which are the output of community service. It is hoped that the provision of production equipment and training provided by UI will increase the selling value of the product. Apart from that, it encourages the community’s economy and increases the enthusiasm of residents to be more productive.

Participants who took part in community service training were Karang Taruna of Sukajaya Village. Educational material in community service education and training sessions was delivered by Prof. Berna. She explained about the health benefits of spices used in the manufacture of processed products, both benefits that have been proven empirically and scientifically. The activity continued with the socialization and hands-on practice of making processed products delivered by apt. Roshamur Cahyan Forestrania, Ph.D., Lecturer of Master Programme of Herbal Studies FF UI.

Karang Taruna members who attended the activities were very enthusiastic about listening to the knowledge provided and actively asked about educational and training materials. “We are very pleased with the community service from FF UI because it can provide knowledge and direct benefits for us. We can use the products we are learning today to further improve the economy,” said Sukana in a follow-up discussion with the community service team.

It is hoped that this community service activity will not only become a new source of income for Sukajaya Village residents, but also increase existing spice commodities, as well as increase marketing capabilities for all village residents. Apart from that, with this activity it is hoped that the community can feel the role of the university in the development of Sukajaya Village, Sumedang, West Java.

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