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UI Receives Comparative Study Visit from Universitas Darussalam Gontor: Discusses K3L Implementation at UI

The Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor, East Java was present at UniversitasIndonesia (UI) to conduct a comparative study regarding the implementation of Safety, Occupational Health and Environment (K3L) in the higher education sector. Attended by 67 active students of the K3 Study Program and 6 accompanying lecturers from UNIDA Gontor, the presentation regarding the implementation of K3L at UI was held in the ILRC Building Auditorium, 2nd floor.

The UI K3L Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) has the main task of establishing and implementing UI’s Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental management policies. In her opening remarks, the Secretary of UI University, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D expressed her hope that through this meeting, the two universities could learn from each other and implement it in their respective higher education environments.

Work Safety Management Coordinator UPT K3L UI Yuni Kusminanti, SKM., M.Si. explained, “Implementation of work safety must start with risk assessment. For example, if there are lots of big trees at UI, the risk that might occur is a fallen tree or with the amount of lakes in the campus area, there is a risk of drowning.” These risks must be adjusted to the conditions of each university to implement work safety.

UPT K3L UI also has 4 Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Management Implementation programs including Occupational Health Promotion in the form of routine exercise and smoking-free areas, Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene Risk Assessment, Canteen K3L, and Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Management System (SMK3L) for Laboratory.

Water, Flora and Fauna Conservation, Control of Zoonotic, Venomous and Toxic Fauna, as well as Solid, Liquid and Gas Waste Management are also work programs of the UI K3L UPT. Inspections of trees that are prone to falling, routine inspections of zoonotic, venomous and poisonous fauna, and inspections of the physical quality of lakes within the UI environment are also routinely carried out by UPT K3L for the safety and health of the campus environment.

Meanwhile, the Fire Prevention and Emergency Response Management Coordinator of UPT K3L UI, Devi Partina W, SKM., MKKK said, “There are seven emergencies that may occur at UI, namely fire, earthquake, medical emergency, fallen tree, laboratory incident, accident traffic, and sinking.

She explained what actions must be taken when faced with emergency situations such as earthquakes or fires. UPT K3L UI also publishes a Safety Guide which can be downloaded at the link to educate the academic community in handling emergency situations. “The K3L induction video is always shown before the start of an activity at UI to educate the academic community, as well as invited guests who are present in the UI environment,” said Devi.

“The implementation of K3L in the university environment is not only on the shoulders of the lecturers, but also on the shoulders of the students,” said the representative of UNIDA Gontor. Through this meeting, the UNIDA Gontor K3 Study Program lecturers hope to be able to implement K3L in the campus environment. The students who attend are also expected to be able to see firsthand the implementation of K3L in the field and be able to apply it in the future.

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