Thanks to its commitment to providing inclusive services, the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Indonesia (UI) won a national award from the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPANRB). FKM UI is the only Faculty and State University in Indonesia that received an award as the Best Public Service Providing Unit (UPP) as a provider of public service infrastructures that are friendly to vulnerable groups within the scope of ministries/institutions.
This award was obtained after going through a monitoring and evaluation process for the provision of infrastructure for vulnerable groups in 2023 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) together with the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. Monitoring and evaluation was carried out on 226 UPPs within ministries/agencies, provincial governments, and district/city governments. Based on monitoring results, there were 50 UPPs in the Best UPP category, 55 UPPs in the Very Good category, 56 UPPs in the Good category, and 49 UPPs in the Fair category, while 16 UPPs did not meet the assessment criteria. The award was given symbolically by PANRB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas on Tuesday (21/11) to representatives of the award recipients.
Referring to Government Regulation (PP) Number 42 Year 2022, Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 48 Year 2023 (concerning the obligation of formal schools to accommodate and facilitate the needs of students with disabilities), MenPANRB Decree Number 1041 Year 2022 (concerning the best public service delivery unit in providing friendly infrastructure vulnerable groups), and with the support of UI Leadership, FKM UI has committed to increasing guaranteed access to adequate services for all vulnerable populations within the UI environment.
Dean of FKM UI, Prof. dr. Mondastri Korib Sudaryo, MS., D.Sc said that as proof of this commitment, FKM UI has made a Decree from the Dean of FKM UI number 183/SK/F10.D/UI/2023 concerning Determination of Public Service Standards which includes services for vulnerable groups and then follow the process of monitoring and evaluating facilities and infrastructure that are friendly to vulnerable groups. “Thank God, in this monitoring and evaluation process, FKM UI became the only faculty in Indonesia to receive an honorable award from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. Hopefully, this will be a strong source of motivation to build empathy and better service quality, especially for vulnerable groups on the UI campus that we love,” said Prof. Mondastri.
Since early 2023, FKM UI has expanded the provision of access to facilities and infrastructure for customers from vulnerable groups. Providing friendly facilities for vulnerable groups is FKM UI’s effort to actively support the government in providing inclusive services. Vulnerable groups include pregnant and breastfeeding women, elderly people, people with disabilities, children, mothers carrying children, victims of natural disasters, and victims of social disasters.
The provision of facilities for vulnerable groups at FKM UI includes special parking areas, guiding blocks, ramps, handrails, priority waiting areas, special counters, special toilets, children’s play areas, and lactation rooms. There are also assistive devices such as wheelchairs, canes, crutches, aids for the blind, and aids for the deaf. The Faculty Services Unit staff are also able to communicate via sign language to help deaf friends. Apart from that, there are supporting services in the form of Nutrition Consultation Services (Kozi) by students of the FKM UI Undergraduate Nutrition Study Program.
In order to improve the quality of facilities that are friendly to vulnerable groups, FKM UI also involves the Indonesian Association of Persons with Disabilities (PPDI) Branch Representative Council (DPC) of Depok City. On August 23 2023, PPDI DPC Depok was specifically invited to provide input on the vulnerable group-friendly facilities and infrastructure that have been provided, because equal service for every member of society is the main focus for FKM UI.