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Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Ma’ruf Amin: Campus is The Birthplace of Ideas and Innovation

Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that the future of society will be shaped and transformed by the application of innovation and advanced technology in almost every line of life. “Even now we have witnessed and felt the impact of technological disruption which has changed our perspective and way of life,” said Ma’ruf Amin, at Universitas Indonesia (UI) Campus, Depok, yesterday (Tuesday, 05/12). He also added that campus is the birthplace of ideas and innovation, as well as superior and innovative human resources. For this reason, he entrusted and advised UI to continue to pay close attention to trends at the global level that will influence sharia business and financial models, in order for them to anticipate changes, seize opportunities, and win the competition.

Apart from that, he further said that collaboration between all stakeholders must also be increasingly solid to produce breakthroughs. “I appreciate the third UI Industrial-Government Expo in 2023 to encourage the development of innovation and digitalization in the country to improve the welfare of the people,” said Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

He conveyed this at the third UI Industrial-Government (I-GOV) Expo 2023 which was opened by Prof. Dr. (H.C.) K.H. Ma’ruf Amin at the R. Soeria Atmadja Auditorium, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), UI Depok Campus. Accompanying the inauguration were the Acting Governor of West Java, Bey Triadi Machmudin; Chairman of the UI Board of Trustees (MWA), Dr. (H.C.) Noni Purnomo B.Eng., MBA; UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.; and Dean of FEB UI Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D. Simultaneously with the opening of the UI I-GOV Expo 2023, Ma’ruf Amin also inaugurated the launch of the Indonesia Sharia Economic Outlook (ISEO) published by the Sharia Economic and Business Center (PEBS) FEB UI.

The UI I-GOV Expo 2023 was held for two days on 5th–6th of December 2023 at the Balairung UI with the aim of building pentahelix collaboration, namely between academics, business actors, society, government, and mass media in encouraging the nation’s welfare through digitalization innovation. UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, in his speech at the event said that The 3rd UI I-GOV Expo 2023 carried the theme “Synergy and Collaboration to Drive People’s Welfare Through Digitalization”. “This theme was chosen because digitalization is the key to encouraging economic recovery and social welfare. This activity is a good momentum for various parties to work together to produce innovative products and digitalization programs that encourage effectiveness. We hope that the UI I-GOV Expo 2023 can become a forum for sharing ideas and experiences,” said Prof. Ari.

On this occasion, UI gave awards to collaborators from UI’s external partners as a form of appreciation for the ongoing collaboration. In the Philanthropic category, UI awarded PT PLN (Persero) as an Academic Partner Collaborator; PT BRI (Persero) Tbk. as Collaborator for UI Innovation; PT Bayan Resources Tbk as Collaborator for Industrial Assistance/Grants; as well as awards to UI Halal Center Partners.

Public officials and business actors also attended as speakers in the panel discussion sessions that were held. The first panel discussion session entitled “Digitalization Development in Indonesia” presented the President Director of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) (Persero) Tbk, Sunarso. He said, “The biggest risk in the banking industry is strategic risk, namely the risk of us not being able to formulate a strategy correctly in facing ever-changing challenges. This is triggered by digital technology which is developing very quickly. To answer this challenge, we need the courage to transform.”

Therefore, BRI focuses on information technology (IT)-based digital transformation. Some of BRI’s innovations in the IT sector are BRIVolution and BRIspot. Google also carries out digital transformation. Google Cloud Indonesia Country Manager, Anang Efendy said that Google continues to remain as the world’s leading search engine because of its ability to innovate with user needs. In the era of artificial intelligence (AI), Google continues to produce innovations, including the Google Bard AI chatbot and the Immersive View feature on Google Maps.

Not only in the business sector, the public sector is also competing to create innovations in the digital sector to facilitate public services. During the second panel discussion entitled “Development of Public Sector Digitalization in Indonesia”, Dr. H. Emil Elestianto Dardak, B.Bus., M.Sc. as Deputy Governor of East Java (Jatim) said that East Java has its own digital transformation strategy. This is implemented through strengthening policies, increasing human resource (HR) capacity, optimizing infrastructure, and developing applications.

One of the public service digitalization programs that the people of East Java have felt the benefits of is E-Samsat which makes it possible to check and pay motor vehicle tax (PKB) just via their cellphone by scanning a QR code. Thanks to its seriousness in the digitalization program, the East Java Provincial Government won the Digital Government Award in the category of implementing the best SPBE (Electronic-Based Government System) services from the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (KEMENPAN-RB).

By considering the efforts and innovations that have been made by various sectors, UI is trying to encourage more intensive cooperation in the field of digitalization. UI Cooperation Director, Dr. Toto Pranoto said, “It is hoped that the UI I-GOV Expo 2023 can build a strong network. In this activity, there were 40 exhibitors from internal and external parties who took part in the exhibition. There is also a passport arrangement service by the immigration office and a new driving license renewal service. There was also the signing of 35 Joint Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) documents and Cooperation Agreements (PKS) with partners.”

The signing of the MoU and PKS was carried out between UI, represented by Prof. Ari Kuncoro, with 13 partners consisting of Regional Governments, Ministries/Institutions, and Universities. Among them, Muhammad Jalu Redo Ari Wibowo (PT BRI); Dr. H. Suhajar Diantoro M.Si. (Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs); Dwi Larso (Director of LPDP); Muhammad Taslim Chairuddin S.I.K., M.H. (Deputy Governor of the Police Academy) and Rector of Binus, Vice Rector of UIN Jakarta.

Apart from that, another PKS was also signed, represented by the Vice Rector for Cooperation and Assets at UI, Prof. Dedi with UI partners, which include PT Mitra Adi Perkasa Tbk., PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, PT Lintas Usaha Sukses Payment, Central Lombok Regency, Archipelago Arts and Culture Committee, Sorowako Education Foundation, PT Asuransi Astra Syariah.

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