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UI Received Donations from the Daya Bhakti Education Foundation to Support the Tri Dharma of Higher Education

Depok, 30 January 2024. UI Endowment Fund was launched in 2015 to collect several funds that will be managed to support the Tri Darma of Higher Education without reducing the principal value of the funds. The Endowment Fund is important because UI can seek legal funding based on the Regulation of the Board of Trustees of the University of Indonesia Number 004/Peraturan/MWA-UI/2015 concerning the Bylaws of the University of Indonesia.

The UI Endowment Fund is open to donors from the academic community, alumni, stakeholders, and the community who are aware of UI’s important role in education and national development. Not long ago, donors, on behalf of the UI Daya Bhakti Education Foundation (DBEF), handed UI a grant worth 2 billion rupiahs in Kebayoran, South Jakarta. The handover of the Endowment Fund grant on January 18, was attended by the Deputy Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA., Deputy Chancellor for Finance and Logistics Vita Silvira, S.E., MBA, Director of the Directorate of Graduate Career Development and Alumni Relations Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M.Sc, Ph.D., Special Staff to the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources and Assets for the Endowment Fund Judia Daisy Rina S.E. From DBEF UI, Anika Faisal (Chair of the Foundation), Mrs. Nancy Tjandra Mulyadi (Foundation Treasurer), Prof. Lindawati Gani (member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees) and other administrators were present.

DBEF UI is a foundation initiated by Kartini Muljadi and Prof. Dr. Usman Chatib Warsa SpMK, Ph.D (12th UI Chancellor) to develop future leaders with good character and a clear conscience. According to Anika Faisal, founder and administrator, DBEF UI donated funds from DBEF to the UI Endowment Fund considering the similarity of their vision, namely supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in the social and humanitarian fields, education and teaching, research and development, and community service. Grants provided by DBEF UI will be used and allocated by the Chancellor’s Decree Number 935/SK/R/UI/2019 concerning sources of receipt and utilization of the UI Endowment Fund.

DBEF UI was founded in May 2007. It implements programs to develop students’ knowledge, skills, and character as future leaders and guarantee Indonesia’s future generations.

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