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UI and Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance – Shanghai Jiao Tong University Explore Collaboration in Research

The Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia officially signed an Agreement of Implementation (AoI) of strategic collaboration with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in the Djokosoetono Room, Faculty of Economics and Business, UI Depok.

The AoI agreement is a collaboration agreement in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education: the provision of education, research, and community service. It is the beginning of a series of dynamic and sustainable academic collaborations, including research collaboration and executive education. This AoI was signed by the Dean of FEB UI, Teguh Dartanto Ph.D.; Head of LPEM FEB UI, Chaikal Nuryakin, Ph.D.; SAIF SJTU Executive Director, Tu Guangshao; and Professor & Executive Director of SAIF SEA Center, Hu Jie.

Teguh said this was an important milestone in the first official collaboration between FEB UI and universities in China. “It is certainly an honor for us that SAIF is the first business school in China to collaborate with FEB UI. The campus is ranked 51st in the world according to the QS World University Rankings and has been accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). SAIF Master of Finance has also been ranked number 2 in Asia and number 17 in global by The Financial Times since 2021,” he said.

Meanwhile, Tu Guangshao highlighted the importance of initiating cooperation between the government, business players, and the role of society in fostering relations between Indonesia and China. According to him, while developing government-to-government and business-to-business cooperation, the people-to-people dimension must not be forgotten. He assessed that the economic performance of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, including Indonesia, shows increasingly promising potential to face global economic uncertainty.

This is a strong motivation that encourages SAIF to collaborate with FEB UI and involve strategic partners with LPEM UI. Head of LPEM FEB UI, Chaikal Nuryakin hopes that this collaboration will be an open door for LPEM to be known at the international level as a center for superior economic and social research. In this way, LPEM’s horizons of ideas, thinking, and influence will broaden through various research, consulting, and educational activities.

The collaboration between the two universities was initiated after FEB UI and LPEM UI were invited to attend the ‘Seminar on Business Education Cooperation and Forum on Chinese Enterprises Investing in ASEAN’ organized by SAIF SJTU in Shanghai, China, on 9 – 12 January 2024.

At the ceremony, the representatives from FEB UI included the Deputy Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs, Arief Wibisono Lubis, Ph.D.; Head of Dean Office, Strategic Planning, Evaluation, and Monitoring – International Ranking, Dr. Dyah Setyaningrum; Head of the Management Department, Prof. Dr. Irwan Adi Ekaputra, M.M; Head of the Department of Economics, Vid Adrison, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.; Secretary of the Management Science Postgraduate Study Program, Sri Rahayu Hijrah Hati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; and Head of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, Luluk Widyawati, S.E., M.Bus., Ph.D.

Meanwhile, the representatives from LPEM UI were the Associate Director of LPEM, Dr. Hera Susanti; LPEM Associate Director, Dr. Mohamad Dian Revindo; and Associate Director for Research, LPEM FEB UI, Jahen F. Rezki. From SAIF SJTU, there was also the Executive Director of SAIF SEA Center, Jakarta Office, Tian Jingjing, and the Assistant Director of SAIF SEA Center, Wu Ying.

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