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Students from 28 Public Universities and 21 Private Universities from Sabang to Merauke Study at UI

UI accepted 93 inbound students through the Independent Student Exchange (PMM) program batch 4. The students came from 49 universities: 28 public and 21 private universities from Sabang to Merauke. PMM 4 participants will study at UI for one semester in the 2023/2024 academic year.

PMM, a Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology program, is a one-semester student mobility program to gain experience at universities in Indonesia while strengthening diversity. With the theme Temporary Exchange Meaningful Forever, PMM 4 invited 128 universities in Indonesia to host.

This year is the second time UI has hosted the PMM program. PMM batch 4 was held offline. For PMM batch 1, UI held the program online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Head of the Center for Independent Learning (CIL) UI, Fransiskus Astha Ekadiyanto, S.T., M.Sc., said, “PMM program is UI’s commitment to providing opportunities for all students to experience good quality of higher education. Hopefully, exchange students’ academic journey and cultural experiences at UI can increase national values ​​with a spirit of cooperation and tolerance and become an extraordinary memory.”

UI understands the need for students to pursue competencies aligned with the learning outcomes of their study program. Therefore, students are free to choose courses that are linear with their study program. UI currently provides 64 undergraduate study programs and 15 vocational study programs from health, science, technology, and social humanities groups. UI also offers different cross-study courses for students to gain interdisciplinary knowledge.

In Independent Campus Learning (MBKM) program policy, students can get 20 credits from PMM activities. Participants will take 16 credits of courses offered at various faculties at UI. In addition, they take the Archipelago Module course, which is required in the PMM 4 program.

On February 1, UI inbound students were picked up by CIL UI team from Soekarno-Hatta Airport to the UI Dormitory using Yellow Bus. On February 5, CIL UI held an orientation for PMM 4 students at the Student Activity Center Auditorium. There were also UI leaders in the orientation to provide information about the lecture system and facilities at UI, such as the Head of UPT Dormitory, Abdi Kurnia D., S.H., M.H; Head of Library UPT, Mariyah, S.Sos., M.Hum.; Head of UI Satellite Clinic, Dr. dr. Dhanasari Vidiawati Sanyoto, M.Sc., CM-FM., Sp.DLP.; Head of Sub-Directorate for Management & Data Processing of Academic Records, UI Education Directorate, Fernan, S.Kom., M.Si; and Head of Sub-Directorate for Interest and Talent Development, UI Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Drs. A. G. Sudibyo, M.Sc.

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