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From Gamelan to Orchestra, UI Colors the Archipelago Music Blantika

Javanese gamelan was performed at the opening of the Eiffel Tower during the Paris Exposition Universelle in Paris, France, in 1889. One of the French masters, Claude Debussy, was amazed when he saw the Javanese gamelan performance and inspired him to create Pagodes in 1903. This fact was stated by Dr. Ari Prasetiyo, lecturer in the Regional Literature Study Program for Javanese Literature, Faculty of Humanities UI.

According to Dr. Ari, this demonstrates the beautiful, distinctive sounds of gamelan are universal and enjoyed by people worldwide. However, he is concerned that traditional musical arts are often abandoned in their home country. “I hope the youth of Indonesia will love and develop a sense of belonging to traditional arts and culture because it is an identity and form of personality and civilization of a nation. Hopefully, the youths will be proud of their culture,” said Dr. Ari.

To increase public appreciation of Indonesian music, National Music Day is celebrated every March 9, in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 10 of 2013. In line with the Government’s ambitions, UI continues to strive to promote and develop various music genres through various communities. To preserve traditional music, Faculty of Humanities UI regularly holds Javanese gamelan, Balinese gamelan, and arumba practices which many foreigners attend. UI also opened the student activity unit Sekar Widaya Makara and Javanese Karawitan Family Javanese Literature Student Group.

One of the latest performances is a collaboration with Prof. Mustafa Hilmi Bulut, a professor from Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey. This student activity unit also collaborated with Bodro Sewu Gallery to hold Appreciation Stage in December 2023 at Bodro Sewu Gallery, Jakarta. The UI skills in traditional music were proven when they got Best Performer of Contemporary Gendhing at the International Javanese Gamelan Festival at the Bandung Institute of Technology in 2011.

Not only Indonesian traditional music, UI is also actively honing the talents of the younger generation in classical music through the Mahawaditra University of Indonesia Symphony Orchestra (OSUI). Founded in 1983 by Prof. Dr. Nugroho Notosusanto, previous Chancellor of UI, OSUI Mahawaditra became the first and oldest student orchestra in Indonesia. OSUI Mahawaditra was founded to accompany the UI graduation procession every year. However, as time goes by, OSUI Mahawaditra is also open to the public by being a performer through annual concerts or taking part in events held by organizers outside the university.

Musical instruments are played at OSUI Mahawaditra to create harmony. Instruments are grouped into four categories: strings (violin, viola, violoncello, contrabass), woodwinds (flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon), brass (french horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba), and percussion (timpani, snare drum, plate). This student activity unit has succeeded in producing many superior alumni, one of whom is Ade Ichsan Rusdy who composed the songs that are always sung during the UI graduation procession, namely Genderang UI, Himne UI, and Himne Pahlawan.

Treasurer of OSUI Mahawaditra, Laura Amanda Suryana, said that OSUI Mahawaditra had received the Recognition Award and Outstanding Organization Award at the 2021 World Orchestra Festival. “In 2015, OSUI Mahawaditra succeeded in becoming the first Indonesian non-music student orchestra to play at the Australian International Music Festival in Sydney Opera House and received a Silver Diploma award. We also held a 40th anniversary celebration concert in December 2023 at Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta, collaborating with the UI Paragita Student Choir,” said Laura.

UI students who want to express themselves through musical arts can join the student club Madah Bahana UI Marching Band (MBUI), which was founded in 1964 and performs regional, pop, and national songs, rearrangements of these types of songs, and even music of its own. During its 60 years of existence, MBUI has carried out various cultural missions and performances at events. MBUI also participated in several competitions, including the Marching Band Grand Prix, Indonesia Drum Corps Championship, Hamengkubuwono Cup, and Bandung Marching Band Championship.

“MBUI took part in the 2023 Indonesia Drum Corps International Championship and received 4th place in the Drum Corps category. We performed at the 2019 Java Jazz Festival and held a show, Madah Bahana in Concert, which combined music and theater arts,” said MBUI Chair Adinda Natasya. As a music community at UI and Indonesia, Adinda hopes that MBUI can continue to preserve the art of music and provide achievements for Indonesia.

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