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Two UI Students Won Logo Design for Productive Innovative Research (Rispro) Collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore

Universitas Indonesia (UI) students took home the championship in the Productive Innovative Research (Rispro) Logo Design Competition for the Indonesia–Nanyang Technological University Singapore Institute of Research for Sustainability and Innovation (INSPIRASI) Program. They are Saharuddin (Doctoral Nursing Student Program, Faculty of Nursing, as 1st Place) and Yudha Pratama Putra (Master of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program, School of Strategic and Global Studies, as 2nd Place).

The INSPIRASI program is a collaboration between Indonesia and Singapore in climate change and sustainable development research. This collaboration, which will run for five years, involves the Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Ditjendiktiristek) with five founding universities, namely Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Universitas Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University (UGM), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology.

In accordance with the three pillars of INSPIRASI—namely renewable energy, circular economy, and smart city—Saharuddin created a logo with the theme “Economic Innovation that Continues to Grow”. According to him, every element in the logo has a meaning that corresponds to that pillar. First, the circle is a symbol of the circular economy. Second, smart city, symbolized by two green lines, means the shape of future city buildings. Third, two supporting hands as a symbol of energy originating from the human body to continue to innovate.

“I am very grateful this logo won 1st place in the competition. This is not easy because the participants come from the best institutions in Indonesia and also have extraordinary knowledge and experience. I dedicate this achievement to the devoted people who continuously provide innovation for the nation. Hopefully, in the future, I can provide better work,” said Saharuddin.

Yudha Pratama, who won second place in this competition, said that preparation and inspiration were needed in the logo design competition to hone creativity. He must understand the directions given and the purpose of creating the logo and ensure the elements that must be present in the design. The most difficult challenge is aligning INSPIRASI’s values, mission, and vision with current logo design trends to make the resulting design unique and original.

“Being one of the logo contest winners makes the UI campus proud is a precious achievement. Thank you to the organizers and all parties involved for this opportunity. This experience increased my confidence as a designer, as well as inspired me to continue working abroad,” said Yudha, who is also the winner of the 2023 Jabodetabek LRT logo competition.

The announcement of the winners of the INSPIRASI logo competition was determined based on Decree Number 2492/E3/KM.00/2024 concerning Winners of the INSPIRASI Design Competition issued by the Institutional Director of the Directorate General of Education and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, on April 6, 2024. The competition was also won by Bernard Redemptus Nindita Navaldi from UGM in 3rd place and Nila Eleora Putri Sianturi from ITB in 4th place.

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