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UI Achieves Excellent to AA (Special) Predicate for Budget Performance and Sakip 2023 from Minister of Education, Technology, and Research

Universitas Indonesia (UI) received two awards from the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek), namely Best 2 Budget Performance Value (NKA) and Best 3 Implementation of the 2023 Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) for the Category of State Universities as Legal Entities (PTN-BH). University Secretary, Dr. Agustin Kusumayati M.Sc., Ph.D. represented UI to receive the award at Plaza Insan Pendidikan Berprestasi, Ki Hajar Dewantara Building (Building A) 1st Floor, Kemendikbudristek, Jakarta on Tuesday (30/4).

Minister Nadiem expressed his appreciation for the commitment of work units and work units within the Ministry of Research and Technology that have supported and ensured the running of the Merdeka Belajar program. He said, “I congratulate all work units and work units within the Ministry of Research and Technology. Our highest appreciation for the success of managing performance accountability well. Hopefully the best SAKIP and NKA awards in 2023 will be a reminder for all of us to always strengthen our commitment and performance in serving the community.”

On that occasion, he mentioned the success of the Merdeka Belajar movement which relies heavily on a commitment to prioritizing transparency in budget management. According to him, the determination and implementation of policies related to programs and budgets must be carried out by paying attention to three things, namely focusing on quality allocation and utilization, performance-based, and results-oriented.

“By focusing on these three things, we show our commitment and support for bureaucratic reform, which is one of the priorities of the current government. Of course, these three things must always be our guidelines in continuing the Merdeka Belajar movement so that efforts to improve education and cultural services can continue to be accelerated,” said Minister Nadiem.

UI’s commitment to promoting transparency in budget management is evidenced by its NKA score of 93.20 and SAKIP score of 91.70. UI achieved a Very Good Predicate for the NKA score and an AA (excellent) Predicate for the SAKIP score. For NKA, Kemendikbudristek’s assessment refers to the results of the evaluation of budget performance achievements conducted by the Ministry of Finance. The number of work units that received an excellent predicate in 2023 has increased. Out of a total of 367 work units, 313 work units or 85.3% received excellent predicates, while 51 work units or 13.9% received good predicates.

Meanwhile, for SAKIP 2023, the Inspectorate General evaluated 312 work units in the Ministry of Education and Culture. From this evaluation, there was an increase in the number of work units with improved SAKIP predicates. Work units with a minimum score of A amounted to 76.3% or 238 – an increase compared to 2022 which amounted to 176 work units or 58.1%. In addition, there are also 16 work units that have obtained the AA predicate and UI is one of them.

UI Secretary, Dr. Agustin, said that budget performance and performance accountability are two important indicators that show how well the institution manages the budget to support the achievement of organizational performance set out in the ministry’s strategic planning documents. “For that reason, we hope that the award given can be a spirit to improve performance as well as inspire and motivate UI to provide even better services to the community,” she said.

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