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Two UI Students Won Best Champion I and II at the Jakarta LLDIKTI Region III Environmental Pilmapres

Two Universitas Indonesia (UI) students won the Best Outstanding Undergraduate Student I and Best Outstanding Diploma Student II in the Regional Student Achievement Selection (Pilmapres) in the Higher Education Service Environment (LLDikti) Region III Jakarta in 2024. The awards were announced at the Regional Outstanding Student Awarding Night at Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Tuesday (7/5).

Adnan Hasyim Wibowo, a student of the Geophysics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI, was named the Best Outstanding Undergraduate Student I. While Futihat Nurul Karimah, a student of the Public Relations Study Program, UI Vocational Education Program, was named the Best Outstanding Diploma Student II. Both succeeded in becoming the Best Student from 25 finalists, namely 16 finalists for the Undergraduate Level and 9 finalists for the Diploma Level.

The assessment of the Pilmapres includes a self description poster and creative ideas for the Undergraduate Program as well as a self description poster and an innovative product poster for the Diploma Program. Adnan defeated 16 other finalists Muhammad Harish (Pertamina University), Nur Syifa Nadiastuti (State University of Jakarta), Desfara Anggreani (National University), Richelle Bertly Josefano (Bio Scientia International Institute of Indonesia), Fauzan Ilham Ramadhan (Trisakti College of Economics), Prima Wijaya Kusuma (Mercu Buana University), Aurelia Bianca Hanjaya (Bina Nusantara University), Abdul Muhyi (Esa Unggul University), Jannatul Jasmine (Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta), Fachreza Riyanda (Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara), Andrian Rustandi (Institut Teknologi Indonesia), Geoffrey Christian Lo (Tarumanagara University), Mellissa (Gunadarma University), Sholehudin (Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr. Hamka), Kenny Reagan Tjahyadi Putra (Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya).

The assessment of the Outstanding Student component includes achievements, creative, and innovative idea papers and English skills. Dr.rer.pol. Ied Veda Rimrosa Sitepu, S.S., M.A., as a representative of the Jury, conveyed the evaluation of outstanding student candidates from the aspects of knowledge and life skills including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and student ability in English. “In the delivery which is also an assessment is confidence, the second is communication both verbal and non-verbal communication, body language which is often forgotten because it may be busy thinking about what words are coming to convince the judges.”

The other judges at the Regional Level Pilmapres in LLDikti Region III included Prof. Dr. Teddy Mantoro from Sampoerna University; Prof. Dr. Suswandari M. Pd from Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University; Dr. Wachyu Hari Haji, S.Kom., M.M. from Bina Nusantara University; Dr. Tipri Rose Kartika from Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif and Dr. Dora Angelina Siagian, S.Pd., M.Hum from Atma Jaya Indonesian Catholic University.

Adnan said that during the Pilmapres selection, lecturers from the Geophysics and Biology Study Programs of FMIPA UI, Faculty of Dentistry UI and Faculty of Computer Science UI had supported and played a role in helping the preparation. “Hopefully in the future, at the national level we can give maximum and satisfying results so it can be more beneficial,” said Adnan.

Meanwhile, Futihat also said that in her achievement she received extraordinary support from the UI Vocational Education Program in preparation. “I am grateful to be surrounded by supervising lecturers, who provide feedback and surrounded by friends who are supportive.”

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