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Collaboration between Summer Course and Java Bali Overland Tour 2024

One of efforts to improve student performance, Tourism Business Management Study Program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), in collaboration with MARA University of Technology (UITM) Shah Alam, Malaysia, participated in summer course and Java Bali Overland Tour (JBO) 2024. The annual activity organized by the Tourism Business Management study program was attended by all 2022 students and 15 UITM students from May 26 – June 2, 2024. This year, JBO 2024 visited a number of favorite tourist attractions in Semarang, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya, and Bali.

Different from previous years, JBO 2024 this time was also followed by community service activities and international mobility. “We hope that this international collaboration program can continue to grow, both through student mobility activities and other tridarma activities,” said Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D., Director of the UI Vocational Education Program. He added that the collaboration with UITM Shah Alam is an interesting and creative international collaboration. Padang hopes that students can improve their skills in tourism, gain new experiences, and implement the material they have received during lectures.

As a form of community empowerment, students and lecturers conducted community service activities in the form of socialization and counseling at Pentingsari Tourism Village, Yogyakarta; Fave Hotel, Malang; and Penglipuran Village, Bali. The community service topics delivered were tourism sustainability, marketing, and tourism, namely “Socialization of Waste Recycling Period”; “Eco-Enzyme Making”; “Caring for the Environment: Trash Cleanup Demo and Trash Can Procurement”; and ‘Training on Cem-cem Drink Packaging in Penglipuran Village, Bali’.

Meanwhile, the marketing field includes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) optimization in Pentingsari Tourism Village; social media & website content creation and the tourism field in the form of K3 socialization in the hotel accommodation industry at Fave Hotel Malang, as well as disaster risk K3 socialization, sapta pesona socialization in Penglipuran Tourism Village, Bali. A number of lecturers involved in the activity were Anisatul Auliya, S.ST., Par., M.Par.; Dr. Poeti Nazura Gulfira Akbar, S.T., M.Sc.; Dr. dr. Ayleen Alicia Kosasih, M.Biomed.; Mahadewi, S.Sos., M.M., Diani Mustika Prianti, M.M.; Mochamad Fajar Akbar, S.ST.Par., M.Si.Par.; Sri Suryani, M.M.; Febrian, M.Si.; and Muhammad Hidayat Sahid, A.Md.OT., S.K.M., M.Epid.

Anisatul Auliya, the Head of the Tourism Business Management Study Program, said that the JBO activity was a collaboration of seven courses as an implementation of classroom learning, namely Tourist Guiding, Travel Operations Practice, Event Management, Promotion and Marketing Management, Tourism Digitalization and Creative Economy, Risk Management, and Human Resource Management. “During the activity, students learn to act as tour guides, tour leaders, travel writers, as well as resource persons during community service activities and pack a gala dinner event as a closing in a series of JBO 2024 activities,” said Auliya.

One of the UITM Shah Alam students, Muhammad Haziq Bin Muhammad Razelan, said that he had a new experience participating in JBO 2024. According to him, the summer course program he participated in provided insight into the rich nuances of tourism in Indonesia. “Learning activities at UI Vocational School turned out to be very impressive. The implementation of learning through direct practice trains us to continue to dare to express ourselves and be ready to enter the industry later,” said Haziq.

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