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New Breakthrough in Lung Cancer Diagnosis Through Respiratory Tract Telescope

Doctoral Program Student of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (FK), University of Indonesia (UI), dr. Mia Elhidsi, Sp.P(K), opened new avenues for lung cancer diagnostics. Through her dissertation, titled “Peran Pencitraan Bronkoskopi Gelombang Cahaya Spektrum Sempit dalam Menilai Kelainan Morfologis Sel Trakeobronkial Pada Kanker Paru dan Hubungannya dengan Mutasi Gen P53,” she found a method of early detection of lung cancer, allowing curative therapy through surgery with a higher survival rate.

In her research, dr. Mia focuses on the use of bronchoscopy with narrow-spectrum light waves (GCSS) to evaluate and retrieve biopsy tissue from the non-tumor respiratory tract. This method is used to detect gene p53 mutation, which plays an important role in controlling cell division and death. The GCSS feature enables high-contrast blood vessel visualization. 

“Enlarged and abnormal blood vessels are often triggered by irritants such as cigarettes or tumors, so with this method, abnormality on the respiratory tract mucosa can be detected and taken samples of it for further analysis,” said dr. Mia in the Doctoral Promotion session held on Wednesday, July 10, at the Auditorium Room, 3rd Floor, of the IMERI-FKUI Building, Jakarta.

  1. Mia’s research involved 105 adult lung cancer patients who were undergoing bronchoscopy examination at the Persahabatan Hospital from January to November 2023. Other than using GCSS bronchoscopy and non-tumor tissue biopsy, analysis is also done with histopathological examination using hematoxylin staining and eosin (HE), as well as PCR method to detect gene p53 mutation (R175L, R248W, R273C).

From the analysis done, dr. Mia found that lung cancer happens a lot in smoker males with an advanced-stage adenocarcinoma type. She also detected a new mutation on gene p53, namely heterozygous at codons 267 and 180. The bronchoscopy method with a tortuous vascular pattern showed the best results in detecting this abnormality with high accuracy. These findings promised significant progress in lung cancer screening by increasing accuracy and diagnosis efficiency.

“This research is hoped to decrease the number of deaths of lung cancer patients through early diagnosis, as well as changing the paradigm of lung cancer treatment by increasing awareness of the importance of routine screening. We propose to the government to support the equal distribution of bronchoscopy procurement, especially in intermediate hospitals, as well as improving bronchoscopy training to increase service quality,” said dr. Mia.

Owing to her research, dr. Mia was named the 39th Doctor of FKUI in 2024 with a summa cum laude predicate. The doctoral promotion session was chaired by the Dean of FKUI, Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, with Prof. dr. Menaldi Rasmin, Sp.P(K) as promoter, as well as dr. Jamal Zaini, Ph.D, Sp.P(K) and Dr. dr. Lisnawati, Sp.PA(K) as co-promoters. The examiner team consists of Prof. Dr. dr. Suhendro, Sp.PD-KPTI as the head, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dra. Asmarinah, MSi and Dr. dr. Aria Kekalih, MTI as members, and Prof. Dr. dr. Noni Novisari Soeroso, M.Ked(Paru), Sp.P(K) as a guest examiner from the University of North Sumatra (USU).

The Dean of FKUI appreciated dr. Mia, who is also a lecturer in the Department of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia–Persahabatan Hospital. He said, “I congratulate Dr. dr. Mia Elhidsi, Sp.P(K) who earned her doctorate with summa cum laude. Her research topic is incredible because many innovations emerged, especially in detecting lung cancer. Moreover, it is related to the relationship between smoking patients and seen from the molecular biology side with p53 gene mutations. Hopefully, this research can be followed up with further research, including research into new mutations.”

Meanwhile, Prof. Menaldi Rasmin, promoter and the Dean of FKUI from 2004 to 2008, mentioned how dr. Mia’s research results can be used for screening and early detection of people who have symptoms of lung cancer. “Lung cancer continues to experience an increase in mortality and morbidity, and patients often come in a severe condition. Additionally, Indonesia is the 3rd largest smoking country in the world, so lung cancer screening and detection are vital,” he said.

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