The Universitas Indonesia Alumni Association (ILUNI UI), together with BNI, successfully held the 2024 BNI-UI Half Marathon (BNI-UIHM) event at the UI Depok Campus on Sunday, September 8, 2024. This half marathon event, which attracted the enthusiasm of thousands of participants, also managed to collect donations for the endowment fund of IDR 350 million.
ILUNI UI General Chairperson, Didit Ratam, expressed his gratitude and appreciation for the support of various parties who supported the success of the 2024 BNI-UIHM.
“At this BNI-UIHM, we ran with 6,600 participants consisting of alumni, running communities, the public, and invitees running on the vehicle-free BNI-UIHM track. The event started very early in the morning but everyone was enthusiastic to be able to run around this green UI Campus. In addition, we also have a lively race village where participants can enjoy various food bazaars and entertainment flashmob UI alumni and Dancing Engineers, performances by the UI alumni choir, and Diskopantera,” said Didit in a written statement, Monday, September 9, 2024.
Didit added that BNI-UIHM 2024 not only carries a message of a healthy lifestyle but also promotes sustainability through a green lifestyle, and remains consistent with its mission of supporting education through endowment fund contributions for UI. This year, ILUNI UI has successfully contributed an endowment fund for UI’s endowment fund of IDR 350 million. For this success, Didit expressed his appreciation and gratitude to all parties involved, both from the BNI-UIHM 2024 committee, UI, and the support of sponsors such as BNI and Pertamina as the main sponsors, and other ILUNI UI partners including Lippo Mall Kemang, Brooks, Pressio, Fairatmos, Danone Aqua, Isoplus, Kahf, TransJakarta, Delta Dunia, Paragon Corp, Wardah, PT EDMI, Pelindo, PT SMI, BNI Life, Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH), PT Pegadaian, PT Freeport Indonesia, Injourney, Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF), Vale Indonesia, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Samesta Mahata Margonda, PT Sasa Inti, EJ Sport, Dearex, Bear Brand, Garuda Indonesia, Eraspace, Salonpas, Rohto, ALVA, RSUI, Rumah Sakit Jantung Jakarta (Jakarta Heart Hospital), Premier Jatinegara Hospital, Brawijaya Hospital, and Abdi Waluyo Hospital.
“A big thank you to all parties who have helped the smooth running of BNI-UIHM 2024 so that BNI-UIHM can continue to carry the message of The Greenest and Most Sterile Route Half Marathon which is free of vehicles, clean and neat. And we can also convey the UI Endowment Fund donation again,” he concluded.
The Chairperson of the BNI-UIHM 2024 Executive Committee, Indra Akbar Maulana, added that, in addition to the 6,600 participants who ran offline, there were thousands of participants who ran virtually from anywhere to enliven the BNI-UIHM 2024 event.
“What is unique about BNI-UIHM 2024 is the virtual running concept that allows participants to join from anywhere. The competition itself ran from August 24 to September 8 and was attended by thousands of people from within and outside the country. We also try to embrace young people more with a unique concept of running according to our profession, such as tubers (a slang for State Civil Apparatus or Prospective Civil Servants who are at the most basic level), corporate slaves, celebrities, and Jakarta’s abang-none. Not to forget, there are celebrities such as Amel Carla, Chicco Jerikho, and Alya Rohali who also enlivened the BNI-UIHM 2024 event,” explained Indra.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Directorate of Graduate Career Development and Alumni Relations (DPKHA) UI, Prof. Ir. Ahmad Syafiq, M.Sc., Ph.D., said that UI’s support in BNI-UIHM 2024 is an effort to realize and implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in point 3, namely Good Health and Well-being. UI motivates people from various circles to take part in this competition and feel the sensation of exercising on the beautiful UI Campus. Running in the UI area which has a city forest and six lakes certainly provides a pleasant experience for the participants.
“UI is indeed designed to encourage residents and visitors to move more. Therefore, we limit parking lots and provide more areas for walking. In addition, this campus is integrated with various public transportation services, such as the commuter line and TransJakarta, so that anyone can easily access the UI Campus without having to bring their vehicle. Of course, this is done to preserve the environment by reducing carbon emissions to maintain the land ecosystem as stated in point 15 of the SDGs,” he explained.
BNI Corporate Secretary, Okki Rushartomo Budiprabowo, also expressed his appreciation for the success of the collaboration with ILUNI UI at the BNI-UIHM 2024 event.
“As a partner, BNI continues to strive to provide support for activities that have been consistently carried out, especially since the enthusiasm continues to increase with each event. Not only that, BNI-UIHM also consistently promotes sustainability and social contributions that are in accordance with BNI’s values,” said Okki.
In addition, VP of Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso also appreciated the successful implementation of BNI-UIHM 2024 and managed to present thousands of participants who ran together around the green UI Depok Campus.
“We fully support sports activities like this because as an energy company, our job is to provide energy to the community, so that the community can be more energized, one of which is through this running event,” said Fadjar. In addition, the BNI-UIHM 2024 activity that supports sustainability through various products and the concept of running on a vehicle-free track is in line with Pertamina’s 10 Sustainability Focus commitments, one of which emphasizes environmental aspects.
BNI-UIHM 2024 is a half marathon event that aims to strengthen the bond between the UI Academic community and the wider community. The event, which was first held in 2017, is not only for recreation, but also promotes the growing trend of a healthy lifestyle in Indonesia. In addition, BNI-UIHM 2024 also embraces alumni through a series of Road to UIHM 2024 activities spread throughout Indonesia through the support of ILUNI Regions and Chapters, including ILUNI UI West Java Region, ILUNI UI South Sumatra Region, and ILUNI UI Bali Region. In addition, ILUNI UI Qatar Chapter, ILUNI UI Hong Kong Chapter, and ILUNI UI USA Chapter. Road to BNI-UIHM 2024 was also held in Paris and Canada.
At BNI-UIHM 2024, there was an appreciation in the form of cash for runners who finished the race with the fastest time from the male and female categories consisting of general, alumni, and masters. For the general category, the winners of the half marathon were Immanuel Hutasoit (male) and Bianca Marcon (female), the 10K category was won by Narman Narman (male) and Ena Nabunome (female), and the overall winners of the 5K were Hendrik Nainggolan (male) and Anjellika Ginting (female). In the alumni category, the winners of the half marathon were Firdaus Reiski (male) and Eni Rosita (female), the 10K category was won by Bernardus Sandi (male) and Karina Dwi Handayani (female), and the 5K category was won by Adrian Purwadihardja (male) and Irma Veneranda (female). For the master category, the winners of the half marathon were Bambang Oktovianus (male) and Vivi Sumantri (female), the 10K category was won by Ferry Junaedi (male) and Siti Muawanah (female), while the 5K was won by Marwan (male) and Irma Veneranda (female).