Universitas Indonesia (UI) has once again made a proud achievement by winning the 2024 Public Information Openness Award from the Central Information Commission (KIP). In the State University (PTN) category, UI managed to maintain its Informative Public Agency predicate, with a significant increase in score, from 93.80 in 2023 to 98.00 this year. With this achievement, UI is ranked 11th as a PTN with the Best Public Information Openness Index.
This award was received by the Rector of UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Heri Hermansyah, S.T., M.Eng., IPU at the award night which took place on Tuesday, December 17, in Jakarta. Prof. Heri said that this achievement shows UI’s commitment to implementing the principle of transparent, accountable, and participatory public information openness, in accordance with the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Openness.
“This achievement is the result of the hard work of the entire UI academic community, including faculties/schools/vocational schools in improving information services that are relevant and easily accessible to the public. This is proven by the increase over the past five years related to information disclosure standards to support increasingly accountable and transparent university governance,” said Prof. Heri.
In his report, the Head of KIP, Dr. Ir. Donny Yoesgiantoro, M.M., M.P.A., said that this year, KIP has conducted monitoring and evaluation of 363 public bodies from various categories. These categories include ministries, state institutions, provincial governments, non-structural institutions, non-ministerial government institutions, state universities, State-Owned Enterprises, and political parties. The monitoring results show that the number of public bodies that have successfully achieved informative qualifications has increased significantly compared to the previous year.
He said, “This year, as many as 162 public bodies or 44.63 percent of the total 363 public bodies have obtained informative qualifications. This figure has increased from 2023, where only 139 public bodies out of 369 received a similar predicate. In the State Universities (PTN) category, out of a total of 149 public bodies assessed, only 35 PTNs met the qualifications as informative public bodies.”
UI’s achievement as an Informative Public Body shows its commitment to strengthening fair and inclusive institutions towards sustainable campus development. With increasingly open governance and inclusive policies, UI not only meets the target of SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Resilient Institutions), but also proves its position as a model educational institution that plays an active role in supporting social, economic, and environmental sustainability in Indonesia.
UI continues to encourage the use of digital technology to support the openness of public information. Through transparent online platforms and applications, UI ensures that all policies, decisions, and research results can be accessed by the wider community, including data on budgets, expenditures, and annual performance reports. The implementation of this technology is part of UI’s efforts to improve institutional efficiency and provide better services to the community.