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Commemorating National Flora and Fauna Love Day, UI Affirms Commitment to Preserving Biodiversity in Campus Environment

Universitas Indonesia (UI) commemorates National Flora and Fauna Love Day on November 5 by affirming its commitment to preserving biodiversity in the campus environment. Lecturer of the Department of Biology, FMIPA UI, Windri Handayani, emphasized the importance of the role of individuals and institutions in preserving flora and fauna, especially in the UI environment which is rich in biodiversity. The day also serves as a reminder of our obligation to preserve and utilize biodiversity wisely for the sustainability of the ecosystem for future generations.

Windri explained that plants and animals, although often invisible in urban areas, play a vital role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. UI, two-thirds of whose land is covered by urban forests and lakes, has implemented various strategic steps to preserve the campus ecosystem, including monitoring tree health, managing urban forests, and monitoring water quality in the lakes. The organic waste management program through biodigesters and tree pruning and replanting also continues to be expanded to support nature conservation.

UI also prioritizes education and research to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity. Programs such as the Ruang Koleksi Biota UI (RKBUI, or UI Biota Collection Room) provide facilities for students and researchers to study flora and fauna specimens from various regions in Indonesia. UI strives for all academicians to play an active role in environmental conservation, and in the future, will utilize technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the effectiveness of campus environmental management. UI’s commitment to preserving nature aims to make the campus an example of sustainable biodiversity conservation.

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