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About UI

Universitas Indonesia is a modern, comprehensive, open, multi-cultural, and humanist campus that covers many disciplines.

At the same time, UI is always trying to become one of the world’s leading research universities or academic institutions. As a research university, efforts to achieve the highest achievement in terms of discovery, development, and diffusion of knowledge regionally and globally are always carried


Dutch Occupation (1849-1946)

Nood-universiteit changed its name to Universiteit van Indonesië in 1947 and is based in Jakarta. Several nationalist professors, one of whom is Prof. Mr. Djokosoetono, continued his function as a lecturer for Universiteit van Indonesië in Yogyakarta, which was the nation’s capital at that time.

The Indonesian capital then returned to Jakarta in 1949 after the Dutch recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. Universiteit van Indonesië Yogjakarta has also moved back to Jakarta.


To become a superior and competitive center of science, technology and culture, through efforts to educate the nation’s life to improve people’s welfare, thereby contributing to the development of Indonesian society and the world


  1. Providing broad and fair access, as well as quality education and teaching.
  2. Organizing quality Tridharma activities that are relevant to national and global challenges.
  3. Creating graduates who are highly intellectual, virtuous and able to compete globally.
  4. Creating an academic climate capable of supporting the realization of UI’s vision

University Logo Identity

The tree with its branches and buds symbolizes the tree of knowledge with its branches of knowledge, while the buds will one day bloom and become new branches of knowledge.

Makara flowing water represents results that radiate in all directions. The meaning given by Sumaxtono is that the University of Indonesia as a source of knowledge, will produce graduates who are intelligent, skilled, full of piety, virtuous, and have personality, and are open-minded, responsive to changes and progress in science and technology and problems faced by society, and able to complete it in accordance with academic principles, wherever they are.

UI Organizational Structure

As one of the higher education institutions with an orientation towards a research-based education system, Universitas Indonesia (UI) has always strived for an education system capable of preparing its students to compete globally in all aspects of science, social humanities, and life sciences. For that, an intensive and consistent intellectual culture and atmosphere are required and implemented with full support from UI’s Board of Trustees, the Rector’s Cabinet, the Deans of Faculties, and the Administrative Team.

Strategic Design

UI Strategic Design

Long Term Development Plan

RPJP UI 2015-2035

Legal Foundation

Statuta Universitas Indonesia