In line with the vision of realizing a superior Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia bears a great responsibility to become a leading dental institution in Indonesia and has a global outlook. Our trusted supports are our highly qualified teaching staff, who are highly dedicated and committed to providing the best education for the nation’s best experts.
The Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, collaborates with various institutions at home and abroad to provide in-line dentistry education to technological developments, develop innovative research, and carry out community service activities. In addition, it offers dental health services to the community, which impacts improving the Indonesian people’s quality of life and health.
The opening of the International Special Class for Bachelor of Dentistry academic education in 2019 and the Dentistry Radiology Specialist Dentistry Study Program have complimented the seven existing Dentistry Specialist Study Programs. It is a breakthrough major for the development of Dentistry Education in Indonesia. In addition, the renovation of the Special Dental and Oral Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Indonesia, completed in early 2020, is a significant contribution to the advancement of dental health services for the community.
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Kampus UI Salemba
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4 Jakarta 10430
3193-0270, 315-1035 ext. 303
Fax 3193-1412
Website Fakultas
There are two stages that every student must go through to get a degree as a practicing dentist. The first stage is the Dentistry Academic Education Program which is carried out with active learning using problem-based learning methods/strategies or Problem Based Learning which emphasizes student- centered learning. The curriculum implemented is the competency-based curriculum (CBC) according to what has been determined by the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI). Students must complete the curriculum for seven semesters, or 14 blocks (144 credits), to become a Bachelor of Dentistry (SKG). The second phase is the Professional Academic Education Program.
The graduates will enter professional dentistry education by running integrated clinical clerkships totalling 31 credits.
The dentistry study program is only open to the Regular Undergraduate education program with a quota of 50% admission from the invitation path, SNMPTN and 50% from the written examination path, SBMPTN and SIMAK-UI
Tuition Fee
Based on UI Rector Decree No.406/SK?R/UI/2021
Regular S1 tuition fees are paid according to the ability of the fund bearer, BOP-B (Equitable Education Operational Costs). BOP-B is in the range of IDR 100,000 – IDR 7,500,000.
As of 2013, regular bachelor’s degrees are no more extended subject to entry fees. The government subsidizes entry fees through State University Operational Assistance (BOPTN).
UI uses Single Tuition Fees or UKT as a payment system where students pay a unit tuition fee determined by the study program and is no longer charged per credit fee.
The basic Dentistry Master’s Program has three specialties, including:
Oral Biology
Dentistry Materials Science
Forensic Dentistry
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
The Education Operational Fee (BOP) paid each semester is IDR 12,500,000.00 for the regular class and IDR 47,000,000.00 for the foreign class.
The Development Fund (DP) paid at the initial registration is IDR 35,000,000.00 for the regular class and IDR 68,000,000.00 for the foreigner class.
Community Dentistry is a branch of dentistry as a science and art in preventing and controlling dental and oral diseases and improving dental health status.
And mouth through empowering individuals, families, and communities/society.
Graduates of the Master of Dentistry and Community Science are expected to be able to formulate policies, manage RSGM/RS/Puskesmas/Clinic, manage dental and oral health services for individuals, families and communities based on evidence-based dentistry, develop Community Development programs, and be able to address dental health survey data and mouth that will be used as the basis of the program or research.
Graduates of this study program have title M.Kes.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
The Education Operational Fee (BOP) paid each semester is IDR 12,500,000.00 for regular classes, IDR 15,000,000.00 for particular courses, and IDR 35,000,000.00 for foreign classes.
The Development Fund (DP) paid at the initial registration is IDR 35,000,000.00 for regular and special classes. Foreigner class for IDR 50,000,000.00.
The Doctoral Program aims to produce quality graduates with high integrity, open and responsive to developments in Dentistry science and technology and social changes in society. They can organize and carry out research, develop themselves as scientists, and play a role in international science and technology, as well as have broad insight and reasoning deep.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
The Education Operational Fee (BOP) paid each semester is Rp 20,000,000.00 for the regular class and Rp 54,000,000.00 for the foreign class.
The entry Fee (UP) paid at the time of initial registration is Rp 40,000,000.00 for the regular class and IDR 68,000,000.00 for the Foreign class.
Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a variety of surgical techniques performed on the mouth (oral) and maxillofacial (jaw, neck, and face) areas, either for aesthetic or medical purposes or both. Although recognized as a branch of Medicine, it is considered a specialty within dentistry in the United States and other countries such as Australia and Canada.
Specialists who perform this type of surgery are called oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Training for this medical profession begins with four years of undergraduate study, followed by four years in dentistry or medical science. After graduation, they continue their training by becoming junior doctors in hospitals or dental clinics, which can last five years at most. After that, you can get a certification by passing an exam.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
Educational Operational Cost (BOP) for the Oral Surgery Specialist Program is paid per semester for IDR 69,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is paid at the beginning of college of IDR 23,000,000.00.
Registration Schedule
It can be seen on the University of Indonesia Admissions website at the link
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
Educational Operational Cost (BOP) for the Pediatric Dental Health Specialist Program is paid per semester for IDR 23,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is paid at the beginning of college of IDR 69,000,000.00.
The Dental Conservation Specialist Study Program is one of the Specialist Educational Study Programs in the Field of Dentistry which studies diseases/disorders of dental hard tissue, pulp tissue, and periradicular tissue and their treatments in a preventive, promotive, curative, regenerative, and rehabilitative manner to restore stomatognathic function according to with the development of science and technology. The Dental Conservation specialist dentist education program refers to the curriculum and study period set by the Indonesian Dental Conservation Collegium. The objective is to produce graduates who can act as professionals, clinicians, providers, and managers of dental care centers, scientists/ educators, and researchers and serve as counselors. The study period is six semesters or three years with a total of 75 credits studying science in specialist dental conservation and several related sciences.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
Educational Operational Cost (BOP) for the Dental Conservation Science Specialist Program is per semester IDR 21,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for IDR 69,000,000.00.
Oral Medicine is a field of Dentistry that covers oral health care for medically compromised patients and diagnosing and non-surgical management of disorders/diseases affecting the oral region and its surroundings.
This department is responsible for achieving academic and professional clinical competencies in oral diseases. Students learn diagnostic procedures, management of oral diseases and manifestations of systemic diseases in the oral cavity, and dental and oral health care for medically compromised patients.
Tuition Fee
Berdasarkan SK Biaya Pendidikan UI Tahun 2022
Educational Operational Cost (BOP) for Oral Medicine Specialist Program is per semester Rp14.000.000,00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp30.000.000,00
Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that studies growth and development disorders of the teeth and face (dentofacial) and how to deal with them through preventive, interceptive, and curative measures, both surgical and non-surgical, to restore optimal function of the stomatognathic system and aesthetics. This department also plays a role in postgraduate programs, especially in the specialization of orthodontics.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
For regular, the Orthodontic Specialist Program Educational Operational Fee (BOP) paid per semester is IDR 31,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp76.000.000,00.
For foreigners, the Orthodontics Specialist Program’s Educational Operational Fee (BOP) paid per semester is IDR 47,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp82.000.000,00.
FKG UI Periodontics Study Program (Prodi) was established in 1984 based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education No. 139/DIKTI/Kep/1984 and is proliferating. This study program provides opportunities for students to increase competence and deepen their knowledge in periodontal medicine, regenerative periodontal therapy, reconstructive periodontal surgery, dental implants, multi-disciplinary therapy, and periodontal research. This study program was accredited “A” by LAM-PTKes No: 0554/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Spe/V/2016 in 2016. The education provided is evidence-based and research-based, guided by competent teaching staff, and supported by UI Oral Dental Hospital facilities, the best technology, facilities, and infrastructure. The vision of the Periodontics Study Program is to produce periodontists who have a global perspective, master science and technology, skills, and the latest technology, and be able to meet the demands of society in the field of periodontics based on ethics and morals.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
For regular, the Periodontics Specialist Program Educational Operational Fee (BOP) paid per semester is IDR 21,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp69.000.000,00.
For foreigners, the Periodontics Specialist Program Educational Operational Fee (BOP) paid per semester is IDR 47,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp82.000.000,00.
Prosthodontics is the science of dentistry that studies methods of rehabilitation and maintenance of oral cavity function, comfort, appearance, and health of patients by making natural tooth restorations and/or replacement of missing teeth along with the soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial cavities with artificial replacement materials. This department plays a role in undergraduate and postgraduate programs at FKG UI.
Tuition Fee
Based on the 2022 UI Education Fee Decree.
For regularity, the Educational Operational Fee (BOP) of the Prosthodontics Specialist Program is paid per semester for Rp 21,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp69.000.000,00.
For foreigners, the Education Operational Fee (BOP) for the Prosthodontics Specialist Program paid per semester is Rp 47,000,000.00.
The admission Fee (UP) is at the beginning of college for Rp69.000.000,00.