Adnan Hasyim Wibowo, a student of Geophysics Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Indonesia (UI) won 1st Place in Outstanding UI Students at Undergraduate Level in 2024. He will represent UI in the regional and national outstanding student events from May to July 2024.
“I am very grateful because I was chosen as the Outstanding UI Student at the Undergraduate level this year. This achievement is the beginning and an opportunity for me to benefit society in the future,” said Adnan.
Adnan was selected after a strict selection and assessment process on several indicators: creative ideas, English language skills, academic achievements, and psychological tests. He excels in his creative ideas regarding actions to utilize renewable energy in Indonesia. This will be developed at the regional level.
Selections for outstanding students (pilmapres) are challenging for Adnan because they were carried out between internship and off-campus competitions. “However, there is always a valuable experience in every new activity that is participated in. Meeting fellow outstanding students from other faculties can provide networking for me,” he said.
Previously, Adnan succeeded in making achievements at national and international levels. He represented Indonesia and received the Excellence Award at the ASEAN Geospatial Challenge 2023. He also won 1st Place in the Petronas Design Thinking Competition and 3rd Place in the Youth Voice Competition organized by the International Society of Energy Transition Studies. He has also been a resource person at the Banten Shipping Polytechnic Anniversary National Seminar, a solution provider at the Asia Pacific Solution Forum, and a speaker at the TedX UI event.
Dean of FMIPA UI, Prof. Dede Djuhana, Ph.D, expressed his appreciation for Adnan’s achievements. “Congratulations Adnan for getting 1st Place in the UI Outstanding Student Undergraduate Level. This achievement is an extraordinary achievement for FMIPA UI, because after seven years FMIPA can finally represent UI again in the presidential election at the national level. “We are very grateful for this achievement and hope that Adnan can prepare himself as best as possible so that he can present 1st National Champion for UI,” said Prof. Grandfather.