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Agreeing to Commit to Legal Education, UI and Durham University Sign MOA

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Faculty of Law (FH), with Durham University, signed the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) regarding collaboration in the education field. The signing was done by the Dean of FHUI, Dr. Parulian Paidi Aritonang, S.H., LL.M., MPP, and Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor Durham University, Prof. Mike Shipman, on Monday, July 22, in Meeting Room A, University Administration Center Building (PAU) UI.

This collaboration will focus on some important sectors, which will have a significant impact on the public and the development of science, including the field of Islamic Economic Law which has become a pride of UI. These two universities also commit to expanding students’ knowledge through the double degree program implementation.

The University Secretary of UI, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D, stated that UI is experienced in executing double degree programs with several universities abroad. As a result, the execution of the double degree program between UI and Durham University is very possible to implement, considering that Durham University is one of the best universities in England which took the 89th rank in the QS World University of 2025.

“At this moment, UI has multiple international education programs to support students’ academics, such as international classes, student exchange, and joint research programs. With this collaboration, we hope that the collaboration between UI and Durham University can produce beneficial implementations for both parties, also for the development of science globally,” said dr. Agustin.

UI provides international class programs (double degree) in some faculties, namely the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Computer Science, the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Economics and Business, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. At the postgraduate level, the majority of students gain scholarships, namely from the Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education Agency (LPDP). In addition, UI also offers student exchange programs, funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Indonesia.

Prof. Mike Shipman assessed that by combining the expertise and resources of the two universities, research and development of various scientific fields can produce innovation and innovative solutions. “Many global issues, such as climate change, politics, and socio-cultural issues are hoped to be resolved with the emergence of this collaboration. With collaboration, researchers of UI and Durham University can exchange knowledge to produce new discoveries and insights that are beneficial to the global community.

The delegations from Durham University include the Executive Dean–Faculty of Science, Prof. Clive Roberts; the Deputy Dean of Internationalization–School of Law, Prof. Bruce Wardhaugh; the Internationalization Lead–Geography Department, Prof. Karen Lai; the Partnerships Manager, Dr. Joe Mulhern; dan Regional Director of SEA–International Partnerships, Ms. Lim Ching Mei

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