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AI in Disease Management: Implementing Healthcare 5.0 Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045

Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid, Sp.U(K), FICRS, Ph.D. was inaugurated as Professor in the Field of Urology, Faculty of Medicine (FK) Universitas Indonesia (UI), after delivering a scientific oration entitled “Application of the Latest Technology for Prostate Disease Management in Indonesia: Implementation of Healthcare 5.0 Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045″. The inauguration procession was led by the Secretary of UI Board of Professors, Prof. Dr. drg. Indang Trihandini, M.Kes., and took place on Wednesday (8/11), in the IMERI FKUI Hall, UI Salemba Campus.

In his speech, Prof. Agus said that efforts to achieve the vision for Indonesia 2045 need to follow global developments in medical technology. The principles of implementing Healthcare 5.0 can be used as a guide in developing health services, especially the management of prostate disease which is increasing in Indonesia.

Prostate disease, which only occurs in men, occurs more often in people over 50 years of age. The prevalence of benign prostate enlargement (BPH) can occur up to 50% in men over the age of 50 years. In Indonesia, prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers and the cause of death in men. In the last 20 years, there has been an increase of almost 400% in cases with an estimation of 13,000 new cases per year.

To overcome this problem, a number of technological innovations have changed the landscape of urological disease treatment in Indonesia. Some of these include the use of laser technology in treating BPH, the use of robotic technology in prostate biopsies, and the use of robotic technology for surgery to remove prostate cancer (radical prostatectomy).

Laser technology in treating BPH minimizes patient bleeding. Utilization of laser technology also makes catheter use shorter, resulting in faster patient care. The use of robotic technology in prostate biopsy also has a higher level of precision in detecting prostate cancer. This is because the technology uses a robot arm which is more stable than a human hand, allowing area sampling to be more accurate. Meanwhile, the use of robotic technology in radical prostatectomy results in lower patient blood loss rates, lower complication rates, faster recovery and shorter hospital stays.

According to Prof. Agus, artificial intelligence (AI)—which plays an important role in Healthcare 5.0—has the ability to analyze patient data quickly and accurately. These advantages help doctors make more efficient and personalized clinical decisions. The focus of Healthcare 5.0 is patient-centered which is more personal and predictive, thus it requires all the data and analysis from the latest technology, artificial intelligence, and genomic examination.

One of the principles of Healthcare 5.0 is long-term collaboration in prevention efforts. Prostate disease can be influenced by lifestyle,which is why lifestyle change interventions are important. A person’s lifestyle can be adjusted according to the results of gene sequence analysis. Healthcare 5.0 will analyze all the data it has, and patients will get advice on personal lifestyle (that differs from other people) to prevent prostate disease.

The development of the latest services for prostate disease has been facilitated by the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM)–FKUI, which has become the standard of service throughout Indonesia. The Urology Department of FKUI, RSCM, RSUI along with the Human Cancer Research Center Cluster and IMERI Medical Technology Cluster are currently collaborating in developing PSA screening tools in the country. This will certainly increase accessibility and overcome cost problems in Indonesian health services.

“Increasing public awareness about the importance of prevention and early detection of prostate disease is key in Healthcare 5.0. It is hoped that outreach from the Ministry of Health will reduce delays in detecting prostate cancer, and life expectancy will increase. Support from the government, educational institutions, health service institutions, industry, and professional organizations is an important element in the development of Healthcare 5.0. Hopefully, this effort can achieve of the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045,” said Prof. Agus.

Prof. Agus’ research regarding the management of prostate disease is one of the many studies he has conducted. Some of them are The Expression of Stem Cells Markers and Its Effects on the Propensity for Recurrence and Metastasis in Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review (2023); Molecular Phenotyping of AR Signaling for Predicting Targeted Therapy in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (2021); and Early Up-regulation of AR and Steroidogenesis Enzyme Expression after 3 Months of Androgen-Deprivation Therapy (2020).

Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Rizal Ardy Hariandy Hamid, Sp.U(K), FICRS, Ph.D. completed his medical education at FKUI in 2001; completed FKUI Urology Specialist education in 2008; and obtained a Ph.D degree from Radboud University, Nijmegen Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherland in 2016. In 2022, he received Intellectual Property Rights for “Prostate Biopsy Educational Video”; Property Rights for Community Service ActivitiesVideo: Virtual Talk Show Socialization of FKUI Urology Study Program; and Intellectual Property Rights for the DJ Stent Watcher Application. The inauguration procession for Prof. Agus was also attended by Professor of the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra, Prof. Dr. dr. Syah Mirsya Warli, Sp.U(K); Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University, Prof. Dr. dr. Doddy M Soebadi Sp.B., Sp.U(K); and Chairman of the Ta’lim Council Raudhotus Sholihin, Citapen, Ciawi, Bogor, Ir. H. Suyadi Cakrawijaya.

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