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All About UI at the 2023 World Education Expo in Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, and Denpasar

Universitas Indonesia (UI) was back at the Education Exhibition, World Education Expo 2023 which was held in four major cities in Indonesia, namely Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, and Denpasar. This educational exhibition is held regularly every year. This year, it started in Medan on September 7th 2023 at the Adimulia Hotel, Medan, North Sumatra; then on September 9th 2023 at The Hall, Senayan City Mall, Jakarta; then on September 10th at The Westin Pakuwon Mall Surabaya, East Java, and finally on September 12 th2023 at Swiss-Belhotel Rainforest, Denpasar, Bali.

Events like this are used by UI to disseminate the latest information regarding educational programs, university admission path, faculties, programs and matters related to campus life. UI continues to strive to optimize the dissemination of information, both directly or face to face and on various social media platforms, in order to reach an even distribution of information about UI to students, teachers, and parents in Indonesia.

Head of the Bureau of Public Relations (Humas) and Public Information Disclosure (KIP) UI, Dra. Amelita Lusia., M.Si, CPR, said, “UI’s presence in various cities in Indonesia at the 2023 World Education Expo is expected to bring together UI and those who are interested in continuing their studies at UI, as well as providing clear, first-hand information from UI. Representatives from the faculties will be present and explain everything from the admissions system, majors at UI, to tuition fees.”

World Education Expo Indonesia (WEEI) is an annual educational exhibition that acts as a forum for educational institutions around the world to directly meet Indonesian students, who wish to pursue higher education. This month is the right time for high school (SMA) students to determine which university they will aim for when moving to the next level. UI’s participation this year is its 7th year of participation. Yesterday in Medan, the UI booth was crowded with Education Exhibition participants who needed information and wanted to continue their undergraduate and postgraduate studies.



Participants in the 2023 World Education Expo Indonesia (WEEI) Education Exhibition came from countries in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Spain and New Zealand. “The presence of participants from various countries opens opportunities for academic cooperation among fellow event performers,” said Amelita Lusia.

At the half day expo, more than 700 visitors attended. One of them is Siti Rahma Sinaga, a graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, University of North Sumatra (USU). She said he found out about this event from social media. Rahma attended this event because she wanted to get more detailed information about graduate studies at UI.

Meanwhile, Artha Risma Uli Napitupulu from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Chemistry, USU, stated that she liked working in the laboratory and was looking for information about the biochemistry department. Another visitor, Santo Sitohang said, “I want to get information about the Masters program at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). I graduated from the Management Study Program, FEB, University of Santo Thomas Medan,” said Santo.

“For those in Jakarta and its surroundings, if you want to ask for more detailed information about various study programs at UI, we will be at The Hall Senayan City on Saturday,” said Amelita.