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Announcing the 2022 Outstanding Student, UI Is Ready to Compete in National Achievement Student Event

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held the 2022 UI Student Achievement Appreciation Night, at the Assembly Hall, UI Depok Campus, on Friday (3/5). This activity held by the UI Directorate of Student Affairs aims to give awards to individuals and groups of students who excel in making UI and Indonesia proud in various academic fields, reasoning competencies, arts and sports, and community service throughout 2021.

Present at the event, the Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. rer. grout. Abdul Haris; UI Secretary, dr. Agustin Kusumayati, M.Sc., Ph.D.; Director of Student Affairs UI, Dr. Badrul Munir, S.T., M.Eng.; Head of Sub-Directorate for Interest and Talent Development of the UI Student Affairs Directorate, Dr. Drs. AG. Sudibyo, M.Sc.; Head of the General Subsection of the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), Sugeng Riyadi, S.E., M.M.; and Deans, School Directors, Director of Vocational Education Programs, and Student Managers.

UI Rector, Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., said that one of the main tasks of the university is to prepare students to become intelligent graduates and of noble conscience who can apply, develop, enrich and advance science, technology, art, and culture. Through intracurricular and extracurricular activities on campus, students are not only equipped with knowledge and skills, but also elements of hard skills and soft skills that enhance the performance of graduates in community life because the synergy between the two is extremely important.

The Independent Learning Activity – Independent Campus program, which was initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, encourages students to not only excel in academics but also to become individuals who are creative, innovative, highly competitive, and have a strong character. The university work index set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Technology measures student involvement in learning outside the study program in the form of achievement and participation in the program.

“This evening, we are holding Universitas Indonesia Student Achievement Appreciation Night 2022. On behalf of UI, I would like to congratulate the selected outstanding students and their proud parents and guardians. Hopefully, the achievements can provide benefits and spur other UI students to achieve more and higher at the national and international levels. May Allah SWT. make it easier for us and our effort,” said Prof. Ari in his welcoming speech.

During the event, UI 2022 Main Outstanding Student of The Undergraduate Program was announced. The first awardee was Dhifan Kemal Akbar from the Faculty of Engineering (1st place), Valerie Josephine Dirjayanto from the Faculty of Medicine (2nd place), and Tasya Salensia from the Faculty of Economics (3rd place). Meanwhile, the Main Outstanding Student of UI 2022 Vocational Program was won by Barijani Mahesa Putra.

In the Best Category, the students who won awards were Valerie Josephine Dirjayanto from the Faculty of Medicine (Best Character), Zarifa Emily Putri from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Best Outstanding Achievement), Dhifan Kemal Akbar from the Faculty of Engineering (Best Paper and Presentation), Tasya Salensia from the Faculty of Economics (Best English), Valerie Josephine Dirjayanto from the Faculty of Medicine (Best Health Sciences Cluster), Dhifan Kemal Akbar from the Engineering Faculty (Best Science and Technology Cluster), and Tasya Salensia from the Economics Faculty (Best in Social Sciences Cluster and Humanities Cluster).

In addition to the selection of UI’s Main Outstanding Students, the 2022 UI Student Achievement Appreciation Night also gives awards to UI students who excel in sports and care for society, arts and culture, and reasoning. The award in the field of sports was given to the winner of the 1st 5th India TIA International Taekwondo Championship 2021-Senior Male Black Belt at the Taekwondo Student Activity Unit and the 1st Place Winner of the UPGRIS National Chess Competition 2021 at the Chess Student Activity Organization.

In the field of art, the award was given to the winner of the 3rd Place Choir Exhibition–XXVI ITB Choir Festival 2021 for the Paragita (UI’s) Student Choir and the Winner of the Outstanding Organization & Recognition Award at the 2021 World Orchestra Festival for the Mahawaditra Symphony Orchestra.

In the field of reasoning, the award was given to the 1st Winner of the Gasoline Prototype at the 2021 Energy Saving Car Contest, the Supermileage Vehicle Team HORE Team, and the Silver Medal winner at the 34th National Student Scientific Week for the Student Creativity Program Team – Application of Science and Technology. Meanwhile, in the field of community service, UI gave awards to the UI Teaching Movement (GUIM) which was held in Cimarga Village, Karangbungur Village, and Cibareubeu Village, Sumedang District, West Java.

At this event, there was also a signing of a cooperation agreement between UI and the National Achievement Center of the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Technology for the event of awarding outstanding students at the national level. This collaboration also marks the selection of UI as the host for that award event. Dhifan Kemal Akbar as the winner of the UI 2022 Main Achievement Student Winner will later represent UI at the national event.

“To win this event, I participated in many competitions, explored the things that became my focus, which is the environment, and did various researches related to these problems. For the strategy for the next competition at the national event, I will collaborate with other UI outstanding finalists,” said Dhifan during the interview session.

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