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Giovan Christoffel Sihombing


Eco-Friendly Noodle Products from UI Vocational Students

According to the data from the World Instant Noodles Association in 2023, Indonesia ranked second on most instant noodle consumption after China. This high consumption of instant noodles generates other issues relating to not environmentally friendly plastic and styrofoam cup usage. In addition, basic ingredients for noodles made from processed wheat flour are low in...
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UI Startup Wins US-ASEAN Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation (STIC) Program Award

HerLens, fostered startup of the Directorate of Innovation and Science Techno Park (DISTP) of Universitas Indonesia (UI), received an award at the US-ASEAN Science, Technology, and Innovation Cooperation (STIC) Program event. HerLens won the STIC Business Venture Seed Grant held by the US Department of State, US-ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP), Arizona State University, and...
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61 International Students Graduate UI Degree Program, Nigerian Student Achieves Perfect GPA

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held the “2024 Degree Awarding Ceremony for Universitas Indonesia International Students,” for the first time ever on Tuesday, July 23, at the Makara Art Center UI. The pre-graduation event, titled “Unveiling Your Great Dreams,” a form of appreciation for international students, was attended by 61 students, consisting of 6 undergraduates and 55...
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UI Students Win Awards at Asia Pacific Pharmacy Forum in Thailand

Students of the Faculty of Pharmacy (FF) of Universitas Indonesia (UI) managed to achieve success at the Asia Pacific Pharmaceutical Symposium (APPS) 2024 event held by the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation (IPSF) Asia Pacific Regional Office (APRO) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, on June 30 to July 7. Laurentius Rex and Abendanon Dooradi won the 1st...
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New Breakthrough in Lung Cancer Diagnosis Through Respiratory Tract Telescope

Doctoral Program Student of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine (FK), University of Indonesia (UI), dr. Mia Elhidsi, Sp.P(K), opened new avenues for lung cancer diagnostics. Through her dissertation, titled “Peran Pencitraan Bronkoskopi Gelombang Cahaya Spektrum Sempit dalam Menilai Kelainan Morfologis Sel Trakeobronkial Pada Kanker Paru dan Hubungannya dengan Mutasi Gen P53,” she found a method...
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Information on SIPP UI Services July 11-12

Honorable Universitas Indonesia Academic Community and Alumni, In relation to the upcoming University Secretarial Work Meeting outside of UI, the face-to-face services at SIPP UI will be redirected online on Thursday and Friday, July 11 – 12, 2024. Services will return to normal on Monday, July 15, 2024. For online services, you can use the...
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Berita Dukacita atas Dr. Joesana Tjahjani S.S., M.Hum

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] [BERITA DUKACITA] Keluarga besar Universitas Indonesia turut berdukacita atas berpulangnya Dr. Joesana Tjahjani S.S., M.Hum. Semoga beliau diberikan tempat terbaik di sisi-Nya serta keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberikan kesabaran. #UniversitasIndonesia[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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