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Sherly Anugrah


UI Conducts Emergency Simulation to Increase Preparedness for Potential Disasters

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Technical Supporting Unit (UPT) of Occupational Health and Safety (K3L), re-implemented emergency simulations. This year, simulation was done in two locations, namely the University Administration Center (PAU) UI building on July 3 and the Integrated Laboratory and Research Center (ILRC) UI of the Depok UI Campus on July 10. The...
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The Importance of Food Security for National Sovereignty

Universitas Indonesia (UI), through the Board of Professors (DGB) held a webinar with the theme “Ketahanan dan Kedaulatan Pangan, Berbagai Permasalahan, dan Usulan Pemikiran,” on Tuesday, July 16. According to DGB UI Secretary, Prof. Dr. drg. Indang Trihandini, M.Kes., this is important in relation to the food crisis being a global phenomenon that the world’s...
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The UI Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque Celebrates Eid al-Adha, Commences the Slaughter of 9 Cows and 12 Goats for the Qurban Beneficiaries

This year, the Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque (MUI) of Universitas Indonesia (UI) organized the slaughter of sacrificial animals, specifically nine cows and twelve goats, and distributed 1,028 packs of the sacrificial meat. The beneficiaries are UI students, security officers, janitors, canteen keepers, and the community around the UI Depok campus. The day before the distribution began,...
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Oath Taking and Inauguration of Functional Position of 252 Permanent Employees of Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held an appointment of oaths or promises for Permanent Employees (PNS and Non-PNS), as well as the Inauguration and Oath Taking of Functional Positions of Archivists and Health Workers of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) within UI. The oath-taking was led by the Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets, Prof....
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IP Week Discusses Intellectual Property Rights and Media Conversion in the Creative Industry

Various creative contents by Indonesian youths have emerged on social media. Some of these works have high economic value. The creativity that has been established needs to be accompanied by economic value. IP is the result of human creation, including inventions, literary works, art, designs, and symbols, and trademarks. IP also grants exclusive rights to...
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Blockchain Issues to Fashion Media Industry at Promed’s IP Week Universitas Indonesia

“Fashion media as well as the use of crypto, blockchain, and Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) are in the spotlight today, so we want UI Vocational graduates to be one step ahead to become innovative agents of change, especially in the creative industry,” said Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D., Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, at...
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UI Dormitory D1 Building Renovation

To provide comfortable dormitory facilities for students, Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the UI Board of Trustees (MWA UI) renovated one of the buildings that is part of the UI Dormitory complex, namely Building D1. The operation of the building was carried out after the handover between the Board of Trustees (MWA)-which on that occasion was...
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UI Forest Charity 2024 Encourages Environmental Preservation Based on Local Wisdom

Bakul Budaya Community of the Faculty of Humanities (FIB) and Makara Art Center (MAC) held a series of Sedekah Hutan UI 2024 titled “Environmental Conservation Efforts through Local Wisdom and Sustainable Lifestyles (Friendly from Home)”. The event took place in three places: the FIB UI Courtyard, MAC UI Building, and UI City Forest on June...
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Petpolis: Anabul-Safe Shampoo, an Innovative Product of UI Startup

One of the featured tenants of the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Incubate 2023 Batch 2 grant program, PT Propiglow Hatta Indonesia, launched its first product, Petpolis. Petpolis is an innovative shampoo specially designed for pets such as cats, dogs, and rabbits. Using propolis extract as its base ingredient, Petpolis offers a natural anti-fungal and anti-bacterial solution....
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University of Indonesia’s Response Regarding the Cancellation of UKT and IPI Increases

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia has issued press releases with Number 200/sipers/A6/V/2024 and Number 202/sipers/A6/V/2024 on May 27, 2024, then followed by a letter from the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (Dirjen Diktiristek) to the Rectors of PTN and PTNBH with Number 0511/E/PR.07.04/2024 regarding...
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