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Sherly Anugrah


QiR 2023: UI’s Contribution to Achieving a Carbon Free Indonesia 2060 through Innovative Solutions and Sustainable Policies

The Faculty of Engineering (FT) of Universitas Indonesia (UI) once again held the biannual Quality in Research (QiR) 2023 international conference on 23rd–24th of October 2023 in Bali. A total of 384 participants from 24 countries coming from various scientific fields with backgrounds in education, research, public institutions and organizations had the opportunity to exchange...
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UI Philologist Team Helps Identify Ancient Manuscripts in Bogor

Bogor is an inseparable part of the history of West Javanese cultural civilization, from the kingdom period to the colonial period. There are many relics of past history in the Bogor area, including ancient manuscripts. For this reason, in order to explore the treasures of ancient manuscripts in the Bogor area, the community service team...
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UI Wins Four Champion Titles in the 2023 National Unmanned Fast Ship Contest

The winners of the 2023 National Unmanned Fast Boat Contest (Kontes Kapal Cepat Tak Berawak Nasional–KKCTBN) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek)—through the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) and the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI)—were announced on Wednesday (25/10), at Purnomo Prawiro Hall, UI Depok Campus. The competition final, which took...
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Preventing Dental Plaque, UI Students Create Mouthwash Formulated with Guava Leaf and Betel Leaf Extracts

Rossi Imam Prasojo, student of the Tourism Business Management study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), won 1st Place (Gold Medal) and Special Award: Best Project in the 2023 Indonesian International Invention Expo (IIIEX) competition. He achieved this after successfully creating an innovative mouthwash formulated from guava and betel leaf extracts to prevent the...
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UI Lecturer Utilizes Lead Smelting Waste as An Additive to lubricants

Dr.-Ing. Alfian Ferdiansyah, S.T., M.T., lecturer from the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (DTMM), Faculty of Engineering (FT), Universitas Indonesia (UI), created a lubricant additive (friction modifier) ​​by utilizing lead smelting waste. The use of SnO2 (lead oxide) nano powder is used to overcome the limitations of anti-wear and anti-friction additives from conventional additives...
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FISIP UI Open 2023 Badminton Tournament on 21st-26th of November 2023 is Still Open for Registration

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Indonesia (UI) will hold the 2023 FISIP UI OPEN Badminton Tournament. This tournament will be held on 21st–26th of November 2023 at Balairung Universitas Indonesia and is open to students from all universities in Indonesia. Held for the seventh time, FISIP UI OPEN is a form...
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Considering Low Insurance Literacy, UI Invites High School Students to Recognize the Importance of Insurance and Financial Management

Literacy regarding insurance in Indonesia is currently still relatively low. Based on the results of the National Survey on Financial Literacy and Inclusion (SNLIK) conducted by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in 2022, literacy in the insurance sector was still below literacy in the banking sector, namely at the level of 31.72 percent while banking...
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UI Students Win TaxTival 2023 Tax Essay Competition by Examining the Benefits of Implementing a Carbon Tax for a Green Economy

Three students from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) won champion titles in the TaxTival 2023 Tax Essay Competition, a prestigious competition organized by the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Tax Center. Aqila Bagus Misbahuddin, Jessyca Wulandari, and Ray Abel Reshawna who were members of the “Kutax Team” managed to...
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Three UI Students Win National Tax Olympiad Tax Compar 2023

Three students from the Department of Fiscal Administration Sciences, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) won 1st Place in the 2023 National Tax Olympiad (NATO) Tax Compar Competition organized by the Taxation Student Study Group (KSMP) Tax Center, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Jember University. The three students were Michael Parulian Marbun,...
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Grand Opening of the 13th UI Teaching Movement: Examining the Problems of Indonesian Education Towards Inclusive Education

UI Teaching Movement batch 13 (GUIM 13) officially opened their series of activities at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) Convention Hall. The Grand Opening event, which was organized by the UI Student Executive Board (BEM) Community Social Department, featured a talk show that raised crucial issues in the world of Indonesian education with the theme “Indonesian...
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