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Sherly Anugrah


In The Green Revolution of Food Waste Processing, FTUI Brings Biogas Torrents to Al Hikam Islamic Boarding School, Depok

Based on data from the National Waste Management Information System (SIPSN), as of 2021, the mass of waste in Indonesia has reached 68.5 million tons. The number of Islamic boarding schools, which amounts to 36,600 in Indonesia with 3.4 million students–according to data from–certainly contributes to this waste generation. On the other hand, the...
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Monitoring and Evaluation Workshop by UI on Procedures for Preparing POB and Accountable Performance Reports

Universitas Indonesia (UI) held a UI Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) Workshop on Procedures for Preparing POB and Accountable Performance Reports in the UI Environment, on Monday (25/09), at the Convention Hall, UI Depok Campus. This activity aimed to socialize procedures in preparing accountable performance reports for monitoring and evaluation actors in each work unit, both...
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Enriching Biological Perspectives Through UI Biology Summer School 2023 for 21 International Students

As an effort to produce upcoming biologists in answering biodiversity problems, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Universitas Indonesia (UI) through the Department of Biology is holding UI Creates: Biology Summer School 2023. This activity is designed to accommodate curiosity and the professional aspirations of students from various backgrounds, namely those with a...
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UI Participates in Holding Folk Festival to Expand the Reach of the Traditional Arts of Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara

Kampoeng Dolanan Nusantara, located in Sodongan Hamlet, Bumiharjo Village, Borobudur District, Magelang Regency, Central Java, is one of the traditional communities that has succeeded in collecting back the arts and traditions of the past which are now starting to be lost. This community is able to revive various arts, from traditional children’s games to Magelang...
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UI Students Become World Champion in Exploration Geophysics

Universitas Indonesia (UI) continues to make brilliant achievements at the international level, bringing Indonesia’s name to shine in the world of geosciences. At the 2023 SEG Challenge Bowl, the student team from the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UI managed to achieve extraordinary achievements by becoming first place at the...
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UI Digital Economy Expert: The lack of visitors at Tanah Abang Market is more complex than just a digitalization problem

The lack of visitors at Tanah Abang Market means a number of traders are faced with a complicated situation. In fact, some of them had to ‘go out of business’ because their buying and selling activities were decreasing. Digital Economics Expert, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman, Ph.D., said...
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Restoration of Mount Bromo’s Ecosystem After Forest and Land Fires Will Take A Long Time

The forest and land fires (karhutla) that occurred on 6–15 September 2023 have turned the expanse of savanna in the Mount Bromo area into a sea of ​​ash. It is known that the fire occurred due to the use of flares for pre-wedding photos which apparently sparked a fire in the middle of the savanna....
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Biomechanical Innovation’s Significant Impact on Society and the Quality of Human Life

Universitas Indonesia (UI) increased the number of professors from the Faculty of Engineering (FT), after inaugurating three professors yesterday morning (Wednesday, 20/9) at the Convention Hall, UI Depok Campus. UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., led the inauguration ceremony which was broadcast virtually via the Universitas Indonesia YouTube channel and UI TV. One...
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FTUI Professor Examines Challenges and Opportunities for the Sustainability of Plastic Products in Indonesia

Rector of the Universitas Indonesia (UI), Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D., inaugurated Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochamad Chalid, S.Si., M. Eng. as Permanent Professor in the field of Polymer Technology, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (DTMM), Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Indonesia (UI), on Wednesday (20/9), at the UI Convention Hall, Depok Campus. This...
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Mathematical Models Become Secret Weapons in Solving Chemical Engineering Problems

Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Yuswan Muharam, M.T. was inaugurated as Permanent Professor in the Field of Modeling and Simulation of Chemical Process Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering (FT), Universitas Indonesia (UI), after delivering a scientific oration entitled “Mathematical Models – Secret Weapons in Solving Chemical Engineering Problems ”. The inauguration, which was led...
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