The latest tax policy, Government Regulation Number 58 of 2023, is a derivative regulation of Law Number 7 of 2021 concerning Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP). PP 58/2023 discussed the withholding rate for PPh Article 21 on income in connection with individual taxpayers’ work, services, or activities, which is an important rule for the industry....Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI) received a visit from Sriwijaya University (Unsri) of South Sumatra, on Friday (21/7) at the University Administration Center Building (PAU) UI. This visit was part of a comparative study related to the implementation of programs to prevent and deal with sexual violence on campus. During the visit, the Chairperson of the Task...Read More
Rector of Universitas Indonesia (UI) Prof. Ari Kuncoro, S.E., M.A., Ph.D. and Chairman of Mangkunegara Surakarta Foundation Sri Paduka Mangkoenagoro X signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at University Central Administration Building, Depok, West Java, yesterday (Monday, 27/03). The cooperation aims to expand the implementation of higher education in the fields of education, research, and...Read More
Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque of Universitas Indonesia (UI), which is located on the Depok Campus, held various events during Ramadan this year. Last Saturday (March 25, 2023), for example, the mosque was enlivened by visitors who came to take part in the celebration of Ramadan. Even though it was raining, it didn’t dull the enthusiasm of...Read More
After previously the four study programs of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) at Universitas Indonesia (UI) won international accreditation from Accreditierungsagentur fur Studiengange der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik (ASIIN), recently, three other study programs underwent the international visitation from ASIIN. The study programs are Master’s Program in Physics,...Read More
“Artificial intelligence (AI) is basically developed to improve the quality of human life because it has extraordinary transformational power, starting from the aspects of education, health, economy, public policy, governance, and others. However, just like new things in this world, apart from bringing novelty and benefits, it turns out that AI also opens a window...Read More
DGB UI Webinar: Ethics for Using ChatGPT in the Academic Environment The presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ‘shaken’ the world, in recent years, including in the world of education. Moreover, the launch of the latest generation of the ‘Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer’ application, which is more popularly known as ChatGPT, has forced a complete...Read More
Currently, language has an increasingly strong role in solving legal cases, one of which is marked by the development of forensic linguistics. Forensic linguistics is a cross-discipline between language, crime, and law involving law enforcement officials, court affairs, legislation, court disputes, and so on. With forensic linguistics, legal cases caused by language can be handled...Read More
UI RECEIVED 10 AWARDS FROM PPKM AWARDS 2023 AS APPRECIATION FOR ITS CONTRIBUTION TO HANDLING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC On Monday (20/03), the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) gave appreciation through PPKM Awards 2023 to all parties who have participated and contributed to handling Covid-19. As one of the higher education institutions that has...Read More
Universitas Indonesia (UI) as one of the higher education institutions that fully supports Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program and whom the government relies on in overcoming the current problems of higher education received a visit from Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) for a comparative study. This activity focuses on implementing the MBKM program and...Read More