Waste has become a polemic and has a big impact on the environment and even the world’s climate. According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHLK), there are around 18.2 million pieces of waste piled up each year. These emissions result in pollution with the amount of 1.6 million tonnes or 5%...Read More
SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PARK UI RECEIVED SUPPORT FROM ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION COMMERCIALIZATION Universitas Indonesia (UI) collaborated with Asian Development Bank (ADB) to design Proyek Penguatan Riset dan Inovasi melalui Kawasan Sains dan Teknologi yang Modern dan Efisien, or also known as Promoting Research and Innovation through Modern and Efficient Science and...Read More
SUPPORTING THE ACCELERATION OF DEVELOPMENT IN ALL SECTORS, UI ESTABLISHES COOPERATION WITH CENTRAL KALIMANTAN PROVINCE In order to optimize human resources (HR) in the prospective area for the New Capital City (IKN), Universitas Indonesia (UI) collaborated with the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between...Read More
OUTREACH ON INTEGRITY ZONE AND UI ZONA INTEGRITAS AWARD 2023 FOR REALIZING GOOD GOVERNANCE UI Universitas Indonesia (UI) held outreach regarding Integrity Zone and UI Zona Integritas Award 2023, which were held at Balai Sidang UI. The event was attended by Head of the Risk Management Transformation and Evaluation Monitoring (TREM) Bureau Vishnu Juwono, S.E.,...Read More
SYNERGY BETWEEN 17 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: THE MINISTRY OF PANRB INVOLVES UI ACADEMICS IN IMPACTFUL BUREAUCRATIC REFORMS The Ministry of the Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) of the Republic of Indonesia sharpened its strategies through changes in the Bureaucratic Reform Road Map. These changes contain several things, including sharpening goal setting, selecting main activities that are...Read More
UI EMPLOYER FORUM PARTNERSHIP GATHERING: JOB MARKET IN THE DIGITAL ERA REQUIRES SKILLFUL AND CRITICAL HR The results of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) from the Central Bureau of Statistics in the period of August 2022 show that the total Indonesian workforce is 143.72 million with a labor force participation rate of 68.63%, dominated...Read More
UNIVERSITAS INDONESIA-THE CENTRAL KONI: COLLABORATION TO IMPROVE SPORTS QUALITY AND PRODUCE OUTSTANDING ATHLETES IN THE WORLD Depok, February 28, 2023. The National Sports Grand Design (DBON) has set a target that Indonesia will be ranked in the top five at the 2044 Olympics. This target is expected to be realized partly thanks to the support...Read More
A DOCTORAL STUDENT OF FTUI DEVELOPED DOMESTIC METAL-BASED BIOMATERIALS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF BONE PLATE IMPLANTS Applications of biomaterials play an essential role in medical treatment and have been widely used as substitutes for teeth, bones, stents, and other limbs. The Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Kesehatan) estimates that the use of biomaterials as...Read More
SANGGA MUARA PUTRA FROM VOCATIONAL UI WON THE ICE HOCKEY TOURNAMENT AT SINGAPORE LION CITY CUP 2023 Apart from excelling in the academic area, Universitas Indonesia (UI) provides opportunities for students to develop their potential in the arts, culture, and sports. This opportunity was felt by Sangga Muara Putra, a student of Tourism Study Program,...Read More
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI) held an Odd Semester for Yudisium (the Determination of the Student Graduation) 2022/2023 for Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral and Professional Levels at the Soeria Atmadja Auditorium, the Dean Building, Thursday (23/2). Vice Dean for Education, Research, and Student Affairs FEB UI Arief Wibisono Lubis, Ph.D. stated...Read More