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Aviation Day: Vocational UI & IATA Presents International Aviation Certification

Located at the Universitas Indonesia Vocational Education Program Auditorium, UI Vocational Institution and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) degree Aviation Day “Earn International Certification for Millennials to Leverage Competencies”.

In this activity, IATA was launched by the Authorized Training Center, an international training and certification program in the field of aviation in collaboration with the UI Vocational Institution with International Air Transport Association (IATA).

This collaboration is expected to be able to print Indonesian aviation standards certified internationally and globally competitive. In addition, this activity also aims to introduce the aviation industry to the general public such as cabin crew, cargo, airport operations, ground handling, Ramp, Travel and Tourism, customer service, geography in travel planning, etc.

The activity was attended by high school / vocational students, practitioners and the general public and aviation vocational school. Present as speaker Azhar Azahari, IAC Asia Pacific Business Development Regional Asia Pacific & Area Manager, Suprasetyo, Commissioner of Angkasa Pura Airport 1, Dwi Hendratno senior manager of Garuda Indonesia Corporate Planning and Muhammad Hisyam, Head of Subdivision of Evaluation and Development of Civil Service Section, Organization, Setditjen Air Relations Ministry of Transportation. Aviation Day was opened by the Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Pranowo Hadiwardoyo, DEA.

“The people who are students / currently studying are those who will be most influential when 100 years of Indonesian independence. For this reason, we hope that vocational education and certification programs can produce competent and competitive resources. “Sigit said.

Chairperson of the UI Vocational Institution, Sandra Aulia explained that training was offered including airport operations, Air Cargo, Aviation Fundamentals, security, RAMP, etc. Sandra said that this certification is very good for a career in the international aviation industry, because this certificate is recognized internationally.

“We express our deepest gratitude for the support of IATA and aviation industry practitioners and the Government for the efforts of the UI Vocational Institution to carry out the Role as an IATA Authorized Training Center in Indonesia with international standards in the field of aviation to support superior and competitive human resources,” said Sandra. The Vocational Institution is a Special Work Unit in the UI Vocational Education Program that has training, certification, applied studies and business consulting services.

On this occasion the Commissioner of Angkasa Pura Airports 1, Mr. Suprasetyo said that it was hoped that from this collaboration it could produce Human Resources Professional, competent, disciplined, responsible, and have integrity in the field of aviation, especially those directly related to the operation of airports that must have competency certificates in accordance with Law no. 1 of 2009 concerning aviation

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