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Blockchain Issues to Fashion Media Industry at Promed’s IP Week Universitas Indonesia

“Fashion media as well as the use of crypto, blockchain, and Non Fungible Tokens (NFT) are in the spotlight today, so we want UI Vocational graduates to be one step ahead to become innovative agents of change, especially in the creative industry,” said Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D., Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, at the Promed’s IP WEEK activity organized by the Media Production study program, Vocational UI, at the end of May at the Vocational Auditorium, UI Depok Campus.

Vocational Education of Universitas Indonesia (UI) focuses on applied science, which is focused on practice, and continues to strive to answer the needs of the industrial world. Link and match between UI Vocational Education and industry partners is the key to matching graduates with the dynamics in the industry.

One of the agendas to get closer to the phenomena that occur in the industrial world, this IP Week event was held. The guest speaker, INDODAX CEO Oscar Darmawan, BITS, S.H., M.Sc., said that Industry 4.0 focuses on blockchain, big data, IoT, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Blockchain is a database distributed across multiple nodes in a peer-to-peer network, where each node replicates and stores identical copies, and updates the database independently. “Blockchain has characteristics and advantages, namely it cannot be changed, can only be added, is more secure and efficient, more transparent, cost-effective, and improved traceability,” said Oscar.

He also explained that blockchain technology can be used as intellectual property (IP) protection. The way blockchain works is to combine the technology with IP registration and protection, so that the IP is contained in blocks. Each block will be linked to the block chain in the form of a timestamp with a hash pointer to the hash value of the previous block. Thus, the IP information cannot be manipulated or altered.

On the same occasion, USS Networks Chief Office Cita Prestisia discussed IP in the fashion media industry by USS Networks, a multimedia content company that focuses on fashion, culture, and lifestyle. Until now, USS Networks has many IPs, ranging from USS Feed, Menjadi Manusia, Cretivox, Markat, Outbrake, EZPZ, CONDFé, to Character IPs such as Karafuru, and others.

Not to forget, USS Networks also introduced SONDERLAB, an e-commerce platform launched by USS Networks since 2020 and focusing on the fashion industry, both local and international brands. Cita revealed that SONDERLAB is one of USS Networks’ products that has been registered as the company’s IP.

“The importance of registering a product that is launched must be done by the company. In the creative industry, especially fashion, various ideas that emerge and become an interesting work need to be considered for IP registration. So that the ideas or works owned will not be stolen by others,” said Cita.

As a guardian of creativity and a driver of innovation, IP provides protection for its workers. In addition, IP can have a big impact on the fashion industry on the global stage, so USS Networks invites all participants to make the best use of IP so that their work has legal protection.

In addition to Oscar and Cita, other practitioners who participated as speakers in Promed’s IP WEEK event included the Head of Bureau of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI) Tirta Karma Senjaya, S.Si., MSE; Retail Director of USS Networks Monica Ester; and Content Director of USS Networks Bernadus Hendi.

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