Prof. Dr. Rizal Edy Halim, Chair of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) for the 2020–2023 period, was inaugurated as Permanent Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Indonesia (UI), Wednesday (22/11) at the UI Depok Campus. The inauguration ceremony was led by UI Rector Prof. Ari Kuncoro. At his inauguration, Rizal delivered a scientific oration entitled “Less for More, Value for Many: Revisiting the General Theory of Marketing”. According to him, it is necessary to re-examine the relevance of general marketing theory in the midst of rapid digital transformation and the rise of parasocial interaction.
This is because the marketing discipline continues to expand, both in terms of concepts, methods, infrastructure and interactions. General marketing theory must be able to reflect logical structures and knowledge that are systematically arranged and interconnected; has broader generalization capabilities (law-like generalizations); and can be tested empirically (empirically testable).
“The marketing discipline is one of the most dynamic disciplines. The dynamism of this marketing discipline is determined by environmental changes and the development of human civilization. In the era of digital transformation, marketing discipline is no longer just the science of distribution, selling, advertising, promotions, and so on, but has also become a science that is expected to improve societal civilization,” said Rizal.
He explained that general marketing theory was compiled from a set of middle-range theories resulting from various empirical tests of hypotheses in academic research, including those occurring in current educational programs. This means that the empirical research that has been carried out reflects the diversity of the marketing discipline, thus special efforts are needed to be able to unite a collection of middle range theories into one general marketing theory.
For this reason, Rizal recommended the value exchange paradigm as a candidate proposed in the general theory of marketing. Value exchange is built from an exchange paradigm that has existed for a long time, especially in the field of economics. This concept exists in various phenomena (not only marketing activities), so it can make it easier for marketing scholars to analyze the intersections and demarcations. The characteristics of value exchange, which are often used as focal constructs in various phenomena, make it easier for marketing scholars to develop marketing discipline infrastructure in reinstituting general marketing theory.
In addition, value exchange is formed from several value exchange perspectives. First, the exchange of value is formed from the company and customer transaction process. Second, the exchange of value is formed from the life cycle process of the relationship between the company and directly related parties, such as customers, suppliers and distributors. Third, the exchange of value is formed from a cycle of interaction between the company and parties that are related either directly or indirectly, such as associations, government policies, and community culture.
“Just like digital transformation which has a broad impact, especially efficient use of resources and boosting productivity, value exchange comes with the construction of new patterns, the value network becomes more flexible, and the benefits to society increase. Value exchange comes with a long evolution and develops in various phenomena. Its existence is easier to understand and explain. The flexible nature of value exchange in assembling and building connections between one entity and another entity also encourages exponential results,” said Rizal.
Rizal’s research regarding value exchange is one of many studies that have been carried out before. Some of them are The Influence of Fuel Switching Behavior on Consumer Mobility in Indonesia (2023); Linking Agile Leadership and Business Sustainability Through the Mediation of Political and Social Capabilities (2023); and The Effectiveness of Product Sustainability Claims to Mitigate Negative Electronic Word of Mouth (2022).
Before earning his professorship, Rizal completed management education at several universities. He obtained a bachelor’s degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University in 1998, before finally obtaining a master’s degree (2002) and doctorate (2009) at FEB UI. His expertise in the field of management earned him several awards, including Talented Young Researcher FEB UI (2007), 2nd Best Young Researcher in the Social Humanities UI (2010), 4th Best Researcher in the Social Humanities UI (2011), and Makara Dharma Bakti UI (2011). 2020).
The inauguration procession for Professor Rizal was attended by the Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman, Dr. K.H. Mokhammad Najih; President Director of PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Manufacturing, Dyonisius Beti; Deputy for Strengthening National Values of Lemhannas RI, Major General TNI Agus Fadila; as well as several professors, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Ujang Sumarwan (IPB University), Prof. Dr. Teddy Pawitra and Prof. Agus W Soehadi (Prasetiya Mulya University), Prof. Dr. Joni Oktavian Haryanto (President University), Prof. Mudrajad Kuncoro (Gajah Mada University), and Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Hamsal (Binus University).