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Caiscream, Nutritious Ice Cream from Caisim Student Innovation

Ice cream is one of the foods that is loved by many people, from children to adults. However, most ice cream products contain high sugar levels that are risky for health. This high sugar content can contribute to the increase in obesity and diabetes cases in Indonesia, especially in children and adolescents.

Departing from this phenomenon, three students of the Creative Business study program, Vocational Education Program, Universitas Indonesia (UI), who are members of the Cuan Team, namely Hernan Crespo Barus, Adiba Khanza Aleyna Putri, and Zafira Althafi Hidayat, created a business idea in the form of ice cream made from caisim vegetables. The ice cream product called CaisCream is a creative culinary product that uses caisim vegetables, stevia leaves, almond milk, and cornstarch as the main ingredients.

Hernan, one of the representatives of Tim Cuan, revealed that caisim vegetables contain various important nutrients, ranging from protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Caisim vegetables also have a neutral and non-bitter taste, so their quality will be even better if cultivated hydroponically.

In addition, the use of stevia leaves is used as an alternative in making low-calorie natural sugar because it contains glycosides that have a sweet taste but do not produce calories. “Both ingredients are also cultivated hydroponically, which is one of the urban farming techniques. This technique saves land, reduces pesticide use, and reduces carbon emissions. So, CaisCream strives to offer delicious, nutritious, and environmentally friendly ice cream,” said Hernan.

He further said that the ice cream product targeting children to adults also uses biodegradable paper cup packaging to support plastic waste reduction activities in Indonesia. The packaging is sterile and designed as detailed as possible to prevent the product from being damaged or leaking.

Thanks to the CaisCream product, Tim Cuan managed to take home 2nd place in the Brawijaya Business and Career 2024 Business Plan Competition held by the Student Family Executive (EKM) of Universitas Brawijaya some time ago. Followed by around 30 teams from various universities in Indonesia, Hernan and his team were able to introduce an interesting sustainable business idea.

“Our collaboration as Creative Business students is proven thanks to the knowledge we apply from Founders Camp or the new student orientation program for the Creative Business study program, namely Adiba and Zafira who are students from the 2024 batch. Meanwhile, I act as a mentor, joining in developing this business idea and bringing it to the competition stage. In addition, various courses, such as Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Business, and others are very relevant to this competition,” said Hernan.

Director of the UI Vocational Education Program, Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, expressed his pride in the achievements of Tim Cuan, especially for unique and creative business ideas. “The success of Hernan, Adiba, and Zafira shows that Generation z has fresh thoughts and ideas about today’s business world. In addition, they also try to support the use of natural and environmentally friendly materials, so that indirectly invites the community to help protect the environment. Once again, I congratulate the Cuan Team,” said Padang.

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