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Cane Work of Sidetapa Village Bali Went to The World Stage Because of its Digital Marketing Promotion

Aside from its stunning natural scenery, Bali offers a variety of unique handicrafts of the Island of the Gods, which are sculptures, paintings, sculptures, to wickerwork.

Cane work from Sidetapa Village, Buleleng Regency, North Bali is one of the best woven bamboo that has entered the international market. The entire production process is done directly by Sidetapa villagers traditionally by hand.

The production of cane work includes lamp houses, pencil cases, tumblers, tissue boxes, chairs, tables, and more. These artworks are the main commodities supporting the economic movement in Sidetapa Village.

In order for their production to be distributed more widely, production quality must be maximized and promotional activities also need to be improved. For this reason, through a community service grant from Directorate for Research and Community Empowerment of Universitas Indonesia (DPPM UI), UI Vocational Education Program contributed its knowledge to the community in Sidetapa Village and the tourism awareness group (Pokdarwis) by providing education and promotional socialization related to branding, content creation, and marketing through digital platforms, on 20-23 August 2022.

The wide reach and ease of access make the digital platform a medium that must be taken into account in the marketing process. “Cane work in Sidetapa Village must have a digital platform to further expand the reach of promotion, which will have an impact on improving the economy and welfare of the residents. Appealing promotional content is important in promotional efforts through digital marketing,” said Melisa Bunga Altamira, M.Si., head of the community service team, when explaining the topic “Digital Promotion Content in Creative Marketing Strategy”.

Meanwhile, one of the participants, Kadek Warini, said that the material presented by the service providers was very useful for the development of cane work in Sidetapa Village. “I feel that the material presented can be used to improve the quality of sales and of course also increase knowledge about the importance of digital marketing for all bamboo woven craftsmen here,” Kadek said.

The Director of UI Vocational Education Program Padang Wicaksono, S.E., Ph.D, expressed his appreciation for the community service activities that have been carried out. “As an educational institution with applied sciences, community service activities carried out by UI Vocational team are a manifestation of the implementation of knowledge that can be applied directly in the community. Hopefully, this community service can benefit the residents of Sidetapa Village in advancing Small Micro Medium Enterprises (UMKM) of cane work,” said Padang.

With Melisa, members of the community service team consisting of lecturers and students of Multimedia Broadcasting Study Program of Vocational UI also participated. They are Arius Krypton Onarelly, M.Sc.; Dr. Rahmi Setiawati, M.Sc.; Peny Meliaty Hutabarat, M.S.M.; Ayda Inscription Paraningratu; and Gilang Satria Kemara.

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